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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24570954. #24571409, #24571469, #24571539, #24571664, #24572149, #24572164, #24573034, #24573214, #24573264, #24573284 are all replies on the same post.

nivea wrote:
TaboriHK wrote: I completely forgot about the theft angle. That was already a pretty big problem, now I imagine it's going to balloon massively. Ugh.
nivea wrote: What if the Unofficial Patches go to steam, so many mods need those and so many users need them.
Aedred wrote: Yeah, many awesome modders deserve at least the recognition for their creations. I totally understand the decision to hide away from this Valve storm.
Hoamaii wrote: Good point, nivea. What Valve is doing is the surest way to kill modder's resource, patches, fixes, etc. It's hard to imagine a way it could not infect the Nexus too... Damn.
insaneplumber wrote: If USKP will be on the sale.
It just shows how lazy and accurate Bethesda is.
Number of bug fixes in USKP/UDGP/UDBP/UHRP is mind boggling.
SvarogNL wrote: Having to keep an eye on the Workshop in case of thef leaves no spare time for Modding even. It becomes a fulltime job.
MelodyAven wrote: We will probably see a massive mod stealing to sell on Steam.I'm pretty sure lots of not-so-good people will take what is free here, and sell it on the workshop.
For my part, if this is how Skyrim modding is really going, I will have to say goodbye to that game. Shame, after almost 3 years playing it. Modding is what made this game interesting, and enjoyable even after countless hours playing it. If things continue to go as it is, Nexus will close and so will a lot of others, except those who will allow pirated content (cough). But yeah, in my opinion, this is the beginning of the end of the modding community.
Just my 2 cents here.
~Melody, out.
zzjay wrote: THIS ^

please anyone contacts me if something from me is being sold off...i'll sue them if needs be
Silki08 wrote: Oh jeeze, if USKP goes on the sale team that's super controversial. For example, it is Bethesda's fault for releasing an incredibly buggy game. The people who are passionate about the game fixes their mistakes.
ScrollTron1c wrote: Nivea, i understand this will kill the motivation of many skilled and renown modders like you.

So about the "Wet & Cold" mod on Steam - assuming you had actually agreed on it being posted there, how much would the included hoods from your "Winter is Coming" mod be worth?
And who would decide that?

This will destroy the modding scene if nothing is done to stop it.

Well thankfully Arthmoor and QuarnAndKivan seem to be on the side of it will stay free, thank goodness.

As for Wet and Cold they do not include any of my meshes or textures (if they do then I am unhappy because they should not be) but using scripts they can tell if my mod is installed and place my items that way.
So I can not really get to upset over that.
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In response to post #24571814. #24571869, #24571909, #24572144, #24572409, #24573479 are all replies on the same post.

Marco9625 wrote:
Laxe wrote: It is just beginning, when more third parties come into play, theres IRS and European vat etc. this will turn into Just another Music industry where if you buy 20$ CD the artists doesn't even get full one dollar bill.
boulegue wrote: valve provides the platform and bethesda created the game and the CK/G.E.C.K to even make modding in the manner we know it today possible.... if you think people at valve and bethesda aren't working hard for their money you never seen any game developer office ever.... 70week hours are no strangers in those offices.... 25% is a rather generous cut compared to other industries (music, books, newspapers, tv........)
Marco9625 wrote: The GECK/CK haven't been touched for years. It doesn't warrant Bethesda a reward. The monetary cost of maintaining Steam is rock bottom low so it doesn't warrant Valve such a high amount. This is a raw deal for modders who are doing the real work. I implore modders everywhere to give the Steam Workshop the cold shoulder here on out, its starting to become bad for consumers and modders alike. And I agree with Laxe fully.
boulegue wrote: both valve and bethesda have a lot of developers that needs to be paid, the CK just got an update (maybe just to ease the upload to steam but w/e)
youre free to buy or not buy the mods on the workshop as mod authors are free to charge or put them up for free now the cost of maintaining steam is in the millions every month just to maintain steam... valve consists of more then just steam
shaithlis wrote: No disrespect intended Boulegue, but is valve paying you to come here and totally defend them, almost every post has you defending them. Just curious

90% of the people posting here have not read anything not even the FAQ linked in darkones article.... im just trying to be realistic rather then cry out of fear that tomorrow the world might end.... i survived soooo many world ending events i learned how to handle them
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In response to post #24572719. #24572849, #24573089 are all replies on the same post.

doomdoging wrote:
phellen wrote: second this.
shaithlis wrote: Now that is not a bad idea.

Yes advertising is the way to go, it keeps mods free for users and modders make money based on page views and sponsoring. Nexus gets to continue to host mods and continue to make money off of it's premium memberships and current advertising. Following in the footsteps of a youtube or Twitch type of example with mod downloads being the draw.

This would be a win/win.

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Wow. I thought something like this would happen in the future but not right now. I'm even more shocked Valve is taking such a large part in this. I thought they were one of the good guys but if there is a way to charge for something, companies will take advantage of it in this capitalistic world. I'm not against modders making money but this is not the best way to go about it.


I can think of 2 quick reasons why this is happening:


A. Bethesda is looking at the millions of downloads on this site and want a piece of that action. Valve just wants another way to make money besides just selling/publishing games and wants to push all modders to make money for them without having to do it themselves. A 25% modder cut shows you they are not doing this out of kindness of their own heart. Thus they assume people will be fooled and buy this stuff just because it's on the steam store.


B. Bethesda and Valve are trying to increase the paid sales of future games and DLC. What better way to get more sales than take out the competition from these modders. For example, some console owners were pissed when Fallout 3 ended and they couldn't continue with their character. However, if you were on a PC you could have downloaded a mod to continue playing. For many, including myself I forked over the 10 bucks to play Broken Steel just so I could continue leveling up on my PS3. Now there isn't anything wrong about paying for DLC, but I could have had a choice on the PC.


My conclusion is Bethesda and Valve wants to eliminate that freedom of choice we have to download mods from Nexus and other sites. It may not happen all right away but when those DMCA requests starting knocking down the modders door for Fallout 4, don't be surprised when other companies like EA and Capcom follow suit. Right now is a good time to start backing up everything you like on this site because when this stuff goes into full effect, you the end user are being royally screwed.


PS: Those saying modders will become rich if they sell millions of downloads are not taking account the big picture. A modder getting a 25% cut would have to get at least 400k paid downloads to make it big. A $100,000 cut from that could easily get knocked down from hidden fees Valve has in their terms and conditions. Plus the amount of downloads on Nexus doesn't equal sales because users can download a mod multiple times for an update or just because they lost the mod. Just look at the music industry, people may illegally download millions of copies of music. But it still takes a miracle for an artist today to just go gold (500K album sales). Mods aren't going to reach more than that in paid downloads unless it is the one or two mods everyone likes. Kickstarters and donations are a much better way to attain funding without having to sell your soul for 25 cents on a dollar.

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In response to post #24572229. #24572259, #24572264, #24572574, #24572744 are all replies on the same post.

IgnacyOrder wrote:
boulegue wrote: people are free to choose if they want to sell their mods or not nexus will not become illegal if they dont allow pirated mod (which they defnetly wont)

free mods will stay free and many modders will only release their work for free
ShwayNorris wrote: its only piracy if the mods are uploaded without the permission of the Aurthur for free. really, they are free to make it paid for on steam and free here, they own the files. but its pretty silly to expect that to happen.
IgnacyOrder wrote: Well I did see more strange stuff happen so I expect everything. I got suspended for saying I dont like the idea. Just for having opinion :( So if Im getting suspended for opinion which dosnt cost anything. Why Nexus wont be targeted for taking money from pockets of those guys? Sorry its 3Am and all this is jsut overhelming so I may exacurate a bit ^^
boulegue wrote: there was probably a huge ban wave on the steam workshop and many people that even posted positive comments got blocked that what happens when the majority behaves like 3 year olds

I got suspended for a week because I said I dont approve this as it will brake community... Seems like Im a bad guy for having opinion. its like vote for what we want or you will be suspended... Ahh welll. Im glad Nexus is here for us. But seriously I did expect this from EA and similar companies... Never expected THE Steam do do such a thing
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So if someone puts up a mod for $1 per download. What is to stop someone else from making a similar mod and putting it up for free. I just foresee a big increase in copycat mods. Quest mods are about the only mod I can think of that are truly unique from one another.
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