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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24562194. #24562354, #24562709, #24563084, #24563309, #24563459, #24563644, #24563674, #24563819, #24563864, #24563879, #24564044, #24564379, #24564994, #24565419, #24565464, #24565479, #24565539, #24565714, #24565739, #24565764, #24570634, #24570744 are all replies on the same post.

trainwiz wrote:
Dark0ne wrote: Like.
NoDebate wrote: Thank you trainwiz. You my n'wah.
raupao wrote: You give me hope.
enrikiller wrote: But goy, don't you know there's mad shekels to be made?
yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote: As will mine.
EWM333 wrote: Much appreciated
peppefarina wrote: THANKS trainwiz... sadly i think there surely will be some good/big modders that won't be as enlightened as you are... and they will be lured in this marketing campain that's taking place "on the other side" pretty fast pretty badly...
Bellasimo wrote: good boy :) Thanks
forellenfischer wrote: awesome!
lordburnch wrote: Never thought I would see the day were Dark0ne agreed with Trainwiz. Good sport Trainwiz.
Madrias wrote: Have a Kudos point from me, Trainwiz. You've made some awesome stuff, and I'm glad it is staying free.
Celltrex wrote: The coolest modder has spoken!
Orgaya wrote: Thank you.
TSotP wrote: i really like what you said Trainwiz, but what's to stop someone from downloading your free mod and re-uploading it to steam behind a paywall? Do you really think Valve and Beth are going to step in to protect your work (which can't exist without their work)? Especially considering the huge cut they will be getting from the stolen mod.

This whole idea of paid mods reeks of greed on the part of Valve/Beth.

And i don't really blame any mod author who want's to get paid for all their work either.

Imagine you are the SkyUI team, sitting there with your free mod that has literally millions of downloads. But some guy who opened up nifskope and rehashed some vanilla armors into something 'new' is charging $4 for his mod. If you were SkyUI, wouldn't you be a little annoyed that you are NOT making money?
Voodoo McGee wrote: The credo of a true modder, for love not glory.
TheHuntress1970 wrote: +1 Kudo for you!
Blademaster1215 wrote: ERMAHGAWD TRAINWIZ IS BACK I LUV YOUR WORK! Q_Q Praise be Trainwiz and his community spirit!
Fawkes1243 wrote: Although I don't like ALL of your stuff Trainwiz (Even though I love the Wheels of Lull I find Bhruce Hammar to be too "tongue-in-cheeky", for example) when I talk to my friends about modding, your name always comes up from me as a pillar to the modding community.

I'm completely extactic to see my appreciation for you validated and strenghtened

Thank you trainwiz. You're an inspiration to us all
Castelvet wrote: Thank you trainwiz, I wish all the modders would be like you.
trainwiz wrote: TSotP, they can try, but I have connections and contingencies for such things.
dptheslothking wrote: Trainwiz be packin' heat...like a Steam Engine ;)

respect, man
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In response to post #24571614. #24572234, #24572374, #24572469, #24572589, #24572669, #24572829, #24572854, #24572864, #24572984, #24572994, #24573004, #24573029, #24573229, #24573324, #24573399 are all replies on the same post.

KaiserDeathIV wrote:
speash wrote: Signed
ShwayNorris wrote: Signed
Kerros wrote: Signed, thank you for the link
zzjay wrote: Will do tomorrow..cant open from phone :(.

I doubt it'll help...we can simply not buy em.
groupthinker1984 wrote: Way too soon for this kind of knee jerk reaction.

I agree that this COULD be absolutely disastrous. Or it could be wonderful. Or somehow both at the same time.
MrSpanky wrote: signed. passed the 7500 mark
Rigmor wrote: Signed
Ultrametal wrote: This means nothing to Valve, they just gonna discourage people from making mods, since anyone can steal the idea and sell it with a different color.
softail4life wrote: Signed...thank you
Mindprobe24 wrote: Signed (8305)
shaithlis wrote: Signed
jradik wrote: signed
popcorn71 wrote: Sites not loading. Too many people trying to sing?
BFNord wrote: and signed. and forwarded the link to a few others. f*#@ that noise.
StackEmHigh wrote: Signed.

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In response to post #24571334. #24571444, #24571634, #24571699, #24572244, #24572659, #24572814, #24573064, #24573414 are all replies on the same post.

ShwayNorris wrote:
boulegue wrote: people developing without deadlines or publishers in their back cant be good? i thought we hate the big publishers who destroy our games and want exactly what is happening right now
ShwayNorris wrote: your taking something that's free and open and turning it into a closed market, that has never been good in all of history.
boulegue wrote: the market is just as open as it was yesterday or last year we just opened another door and thats the OPTION to charge for your mods noone forces you to sell them just as noone forces you to buy them its all optional
ShwayNorris wrote: making something that was free now have a charge is the same as changing the price of an item, you have now moved something that would previously been readily available to a higher tier, one that some who would have previously enjoyed said product will not be able to attain. you have just narrowed the market because you have excluded some from said product. also, when free, posting to both the Nexus and SteamWorkshop is not a hassle and allows for a broader reach, with the paid Mods being exclusive to steam you have narrowed the reachable audience.

there is no way that this will not have a noticeable impact before summer hits.
boulegue wrote: nothing that was/is free now cost any money noone took our lollipops away
ShwayNorris wrote: first off it's day one, the greater impact will be made clear as mods disappear and trickle over to steam. secondly your euphemism does nothing to discredit my statement.
boulegue wrote: yes my statement is based on facts yours on fear
your statement is purely hypothetical you have no evidence to base it on
ShwayNorris wrote: my statements are based on how markets work something you clearly don't comprehend.

id like an example of a product that has been free for some time and then went to be monetized please
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Even if there was a huge mod release on workshop that you had to pay like $15 to get, people would simply re-upload the mod some were else for people to get without paying for it.


I really hope no has bought any mods from the work shop, 99% of those mods are right here and free!

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In response to post #24571814. #24571869, #24571909, #24572144, #24572409 are all replies on the same post.

Marco9625 wrote:
Laxe wrote: It is just beginning, when more third parties come into play, theres IRS and European vat etc. this will turn into Just another Music industry where if you buy 20$ CD the artists doesn't even get full one dollar bill.
boulegue wrote: valve provides the platform and bethesda created the game and the CK/G.E.C.K to even make modding in the manner we know it today possible.... if you think people at valve and bethesda aren't working hard for their money you never seen any game developer office ever.... 70week hours are no strangers in those offices.... 25% is a rather generous cut compared to other industries (music, books, newspapers, tv........)
Marco9625 wrote: The GECK/CK haven't been touched for years. It doesn't warrant Bethesda a reward. The monetary cost of maintaining Steam is rock bottom low so it doesn't warrant Valve such a high amount. This is a raw deal for modders who are doing the real work. I implore modders everywhere to give the Steam Workshop the cold shoulder here on out, its starting to become bad for consumers and modders alike. And I agree with Laxe fully.
boulegue wrote: both valve and bethesda have a lot of developers that needs to be paid, the CK just got an update (maybe just to ease the upload to steam but w/e)
youre free to buy or not buy the mods on the workshop as mod authors are free to charge or put them up for free now the cost of maintaining steam is in the millions every month just to maintain steam... valve consists of more then just steam

No disrespect intended Boulegue, but is valve paying you to come here and totally defend them, almost every post has you defending them. Just curious
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In response to post #24572569. #24572664, #24572779, #24573134, #24573299, #24573349 are all replies on the same post.

phantompally76 wrote:
IgnacyOrder wrote: Im sure I wont be releasing my mod any more. I jsut keep it for myself because I dotn want someone now to steal it and make money for nothing. Or the fact I did use some stuff from modderss recources. Some people now may force me to pay for reeasing mod even thou its free. Makes me criminal then. I guess many modders wont want that problem

Youtuber mod showcases will die as well as it will be expensive hobby now
boulegue wrote: authors just like publishers will send their mods to reviewers for free so they get exposure
zzjay wrote: Lol you're right...i will never sell a mod...too many problems...of they close free modding ill jusy quit.

Modding is an hobby...not a job...if bethesda cant make thir own games pretty i dont see why to buy em at all...if i even have to pay for mods...mods are like essential for skyrim...without its worthless...
phantompally76 wrote: The question is how many of the irate modders out there tonight who are unendorsing chesko and isako's mods out of spite (which I don't condone, but totally understand) will in turn unsubscribe from Brodual, Gopher, and all the other popular mod reviewers that they perceive as being advocates for charging a fee for untested alpha content? So far I've only seen a reaction by Gopher, who was being diplomatically cautious about the whole thing.

I fear (and I really do hope I'm wrong) that this will also have an adverse affect on the Youtube modding reviews community. I'm not sure how many reviewers will risk losing subscribers, traffic and revenue by reviewing paid mods. Only time will tell.
boulegue wrote: zzjay you have made some great mods most of which are well up there in the 100,000 downloads so theres no disputing youre a great modder

but why do you want to take away others freedom to sell their hard work, if you dont want to sell yours thats fine and many think the same as you.... but if isoku and cheesko who are also great modders what to make money of off it why wouldnt you let them? noone is taking away our free mods valve and bethesda just gave us the option to monetize the work people put into their mods

my question is if mods go paid for than wont they become targets for pirates? in other words wouldn't this make mod piracy becoming a actual thing? Edited by rkelly
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In response to post #24571274. #24571384, #24572429 are all replies on the same post.

IgnacyOrder wrote:
ShwayNorris wrote: typical cowardly Steam tactics to be honest. you should write GabeN directly. Really, we all should.
IgnacyOrder wrote: not even sure how. Plus I cant cuz steam muted me for a whole week

http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php just select Gabe Newell from the list.
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