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Load Order Help! Please!


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Normally I'm pretty good at sorting these load issues out myself, but for some reason I can't wrap my head around this one. My game was running fine for a while until I added MTC, and a Bittercup companion mod.


Now, even uninstalling those two seemingly harmless mods, and my game continuously freezes/crashes every 5-20 minutes. I'm experiencing no graphical glitches whatsoever, all my menus are working fine, and game altering mods working as they should.


I'm uploading screens of my mod list as it currently stands. All of these mods are up to date and were recently installed. I've toggled AI and made merged patches everytime I added or move mods around.


I could really use some sound advice so I can get back into FO3 and kick back after work, exploring the wasteland again.


Mod List 1


Mod List 2


Mod List 3


Thanks for any help anyone can offer!

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Maybe you missed a step when uninstalling, therefore corrupting the game? Have you tried playing from a previous save from when before the new were installed mods? If that doesn't work, start a new game and see if you experience crashes. If you don't crash on a new game, I'd bet that the previous game is corrupted.
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