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voice pack


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hello i looked at a bunch of voice addons and replacers and noticed some thing none of them handle generic greetings they all do the combat sounds so when an npc says hello you get nothing has any 1 an idea of what i need to get mine talking i have the anime voice add on pack already
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The voice of an npcs is determined by what race it is (the name used to be specific). Races are associated to either their own voice or that of another race. For instance, if an npc is an imperial, it will look in the Imperial sound folder to find the sound files. If a mod overwrites the location of these sound files it will look somewhere else instead. As you say, normally people don't include all the sound files, which results in them being silent in certain situations (like when saying hello if there's no hello sound file).


It all becomes a little complicated when you want to support other language versions of Oblivion. This because the folder will be named after the race name, which is different depending on the language used.


So to answer your question, what you need is to create a race folder in the Data\Sound\Voice\<my esp name>\ and inside it there will be an m or f folder (male or female) and stick the required sound files there (you also should have the lip files for lip sync support). The CS will show the file names required. <my esp name> should be replaced by the name of your esp and the race folder is the name of the race (for instance Imperial). This method is flawed, but used by most mods. There's a different method, but becomes a lot more complex (used in my own mod).

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