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Information Regarding Mods That Can Be Found Both On Nexus and As Paid Content on Steam Workshop.


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Some of us only set our mods to hidden because we are afraid of theft for profit, as these are very troubling times.

When the news first broke, I wasnt sure what else to do.


I've felt a little better with the check box addition on permissions, but I've been getting to new heights in paranoia the last few days. I can't imagine the stress that bigger modders are going through right now. What a mess!

I know this doesn't really add to the conversation but I'm SO GLAD that's why your stuff's hidden, tokkimoon! <3 I'm a huge fan of your work, and was really, REALLY hoping that it was because of that, but nobody had heard for sure. Glad to hear this, and I hope this all gets resolved soon, I'm firmly on the same side as ya, and I love the idea you mentioned in that other thread, I want to see this community come back together :)

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Something that concerns me in principle is when a mod has rightfully gained recognition through endorsements and so forth on here, but has since been removed or changed to the extent that the original mod no longer exists on here. An example would be the realistic dragon textures. What we're left with is something that either relies on paid content or doesn't remotely match what all those endorsements were for. This isn't right.

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