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How to start FNV directly to the menu


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I don't think it's possible, but I hope I'm wrong.


If you keep clicking the mouse during the loading screen, you can get the console to come up a few seconds before the menu becomes clickable. In the console you can do "load TheSavesName" before the "Load" button show up.


I made two text files named "A.txt" and "Q.txt". In the console I can type "bat a" for autosave and "bat q" for quicksave.



load autosave



load quicksave


Or load into a cell the same way with my,



coc TheCellImMessingWith


In the console: bat mod




Just make sure the text files are in the root of Fallout NV ( IE: ../Fallout New Vegas/A.txt ), along side the exe's. It's not perfect, but more bearable.

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