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Renunciation of Valve


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The unthinkable has happened. Valve and Bethesda have decided that we, the modding community, should now pay for our glorious mods. I was.....angry to put it kindly.


Just so you know, I'm ok with modders wanting money for their mods. Modding is hard work. Take Falskaar for example; It's a huge mod with a lot of gameplay in it. I'm sure the author put a lot of time and effort in it and THOSE modders do deserve some donations. BUT NOT A F***ING PAYMENT TO ACTUALLY DOWNLOAD THE GODDAMN MOD FFS!


As I said before, I'm angry.


So from now on I renounce Gabe Newell, Valve and Bethesda until they get their s*** together and see that paying for mods is f***ing dumb as hell.


Anyone with me? I hope so.

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Please everyone join me and send an email to Jeff Bezos of Amazon to create a competitor to Steam. They are looking at expanding their digital library but just need people to show interest in a marketplace/DRM client. You can find his email by google searching it - he does take emails from customers and does respond to them.

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