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Ghouls refuse to properly wear Hats, helmets etc...why??


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I am in the process of creating another type of Zombified Creature to add to my already existing Zombified Creature Mod, using Ghouls ( Not Feral Ghouls, but Ghouls such as Raul, though new created actor forms, not the actual actor Raul or other already in-use IDs)

Everything is working out well except that Ghouls do not wear assigned Helmets such as the Beret or the NCR Trooper Helmet properly, wearing said headgear upon their shoulders instead on their head.

I already looked at several other forms of headgear like the Ranger Hat and I see nothing different in the settings from the headgear the Ghouls refuse to wear properly.

Now the Ranger Hat for example are worn correctly upon their heads when assigned to their inventory, but why not the Trooper helmet or the beret, beats me...

I can only think of it being meshes reasons, maybe that the headgear in question was not designed to be worn by Ghouls and therefore the G.E.C.K does not have the Ghouls wear them right?

If anyone knows any answers, please respond, I'd appreciate any help, thank you.

Edited by enclave1488
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its your facegen model flags in the esp u made.


I just learned that the best way to set these is with fonvedit cause with geck it does a batch toggle on all of em.


Just look at the recent thread here. Lol it seems to come up just every other day :laugh:




Ended up using the default headgear instead of newly created ID form headgear.

Basically my Zombified NCR MP Trooper will wear the "HelmetNVNCRTrooperMP" correctly, but if I create for example a new form of a helmet, naming a similar type helmet ( the Regular NCR Trooper Helmet for instance ) to "ZombifiedNCRTrooperHelmet", he will wear it on his shoulder lol.



With the "HelmetNVNCRTrooperMP"



With the "ZombifiedNCRTrooperHelmet"



I'm still new at a lot of this, so I have no experience with any other tool beyond the G.E.C.K honestly.

Edited by enclave1488
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did u look the link?


It is exactly how you can fix the problem that you have.


It is not good for you to end up using the default headgear cause that way you dont solve anything and you learn nothing.

Edited by baduk
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