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A New Companion Mod!


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I'd like to start out by saying I hope this idea comes to fruition as I know nothing about modding myself but I think it would make one of the best follower mods if done properly!


Now, without further delaying, I think that an excellent template for modding would be the character Alistair from the Dragon Age series, I haven't seen it done yet (via Nexus, Workshop, Moddb etc.) and I just know someone could make this! I see so many other companion mods inspired by popular video games, imagination and lore, but very little from a game that is itself also fairly based on dragons as Skyrim is. Obviously I don't expect anyone to implement any sort of voice acting for this as it may turn the whole thing sour, but perhaps a cosmetic change only? So if anyone could be a dear and step up it would be pretty awesome!

Edited by Anieu
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