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Civil War Armor Update


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I have been looking for a new armor mod for the Civil War in Skyrim and nothing meets what I have been looking for; so here I am asking anybody to make this. I am looking for a mod that DOES NOT change the DESIGN of the vanilla armors for the Civil War, but changes the materials they are made of (hp and so on...). I saw one mod that does this, but all the armor looks like it is steel when it is made of different materials. It would be nice to have a mod that changes the look along with the material. For instance: default imperial armor (looks like the vanilla version), then orcish imperial armor (THAT IS GREEN), ebony imperial armor (THAT IS BLACK), so on and so on, and the same for the Stormcloak. Weapons might be added but I'm more interested in armor.


Sorry this is wordy, hope someone takes interest.

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