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Help on romancing Morrigan and Leliana


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I need help on how to romance both Morrigan and Leliana at the same time. I've done google work and there seems to be a lot of solution. So I'm trying here for the legit instructions on how to bed both of them. Anyway, here is my situation right now:


I'm at +92 (Love) approval with Morrigan right now and I hope simple that would not screw up bedding both of them. It's cause I read something that the approval for Morrigan shouldn't go up to 90+ else, something could happen not sure what. I don't think there's any new stuff in the conversation between her and me since I'm pretty sure that I've covered all the topics already, for the meantime. I already have that quest from her "Flemeth's Grimoire" but I haven't done that yet. Same as for Leliana's "Leliana's Past". I'm being careful not to screw anything up because I have already started over I think 6 times now and I haven't even gotten that far in the game. Because of all these mods and romance and the decision making, but that's off topic. Also as for Leliana, I have her at +51 (Interested) approval and the next conversation I'm getting from her is the one where she asks me if I fooled around with Morrigan one night. It should be that night the first time I tapped Morrigan and oh yes, I forgot to mention that I did bed her once, well obviously now. There is my stupidity kicking in. So yeah, I think this is my sitch right now and could you guys help me and tell me what to do from here until the end or not the end. I'm hoping the romancing from both of them wouldn't end.


Also, no, I wouldn't like Zevrann in this s*** because of that one incident I had with him the first time I was playing the game. I can't believe I didn't see it coming.


So help plez.


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You need to get a mod for that good ser as you will be forced to make a choice between the two. There is no way you could have both without a mod. It's how the story is set up between them. Here is the mod that can help you http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=259


Damn! Ninja'd by Rusty

Edited by brokenergy
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Huwaat? I saw this mod before and I never knew what it was for. Could you guys tell me what this mod actually does or like description for this mod as there is not any in the page. I have been wondering wtf this mod is for. Also could I just put this anytime I want? Like even though after I played throughout the story like breaking up with someone and not ever get her again, would this mod work if I just toss it in the game? Thanks for the quick replies by the way, damn google gave me bad infos. Maybe more like I'm noob.


EDIT: Nevermind the description, I'm completely dumb and blind. I don't use my eyes for looking. Just that one question though, could I put this mod anytime after I screwed every romance up?


Edited by exclusteve
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You can bed Morrigan at approval rating of 30+ once you get to finish all her personal quest. Leliana required more patience tho.


If you want to bed them both. Bed Morrigan first. Do not pursue romance with Leliana until Morrigan dumps you. Once that's happen, go for Leliana. Be prepared to hear a lot of bard tales from her. I would rather hit escape button than reading her stories. Muahaha. Just be careful when you pick your dialogue after Marjolaine's quest. Anyway, Morrigan no longer has the right to be unhappy about your relationship with Leliana. You can slap her face with a mod if she dares to complain. I never encounter that because I was at the Landsmeet plot when I bed Leliana. I thought I could let go of Morrigan. But that woman conveniently comes back to offer her DR and finally admit her love for me. Damn that woman!

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"Polygamey" (I think he author spelt it that way to make a pun on "game") simply removes the "Other Relationship Status Check" from any of the dialogue branches with the potential Romance Partners. All will act as if the PC is NOT in a romantic relationship with anyone else while in dialogue with them. Party Banter can be pretty funny as the comments between the NPCs might be about ANY of the current relationships the PC has.
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  • 5 weeks later...

It IS actually possible to have a simultaneous romance with Leliana and Morrigan, but it takes some setting up - and may well be impossible if you are using any of the many error fix packs.


This is how you do it:


1. Romance both women to the point where they are interested, but do NOT do Leliana's quest yet.


2. When they demand that you choose one of them and dump the other, dump Leliana.


3. Do Leliana's quest. After that, there is a conversation in camp that you have with her that can lead to the famous 'ninja romance'. This is what you want to get.


4. Because the break up flag has already triggered once, it does NOT trigger again. You now have two loving girlfriends. Congratulations! :D

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