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The Mojave


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Very nice, the talking volume was an issue in eps1 but improved in eps2.


You could try running a filter over the final edit, increase the contrast slightly, darken the shadows, boost the highlights.

The coversion from a 16:10 (or is it 16:9?) wide screen format to a 4:3 ratio doesn't seem as bad on eps2 looks less stretched than eps1 did. (if you've not changed anything then it's probably down to better camera angles)


I'm now working with Sony Vegas Movie Studio, which allows me to save in HD so the quality is going to be highly improved with the next episode. but thanks for your feedback.

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Episode 3 is currently rendering, and will be up tonight! In the meantime while it saves, I'm watching the Ravens-Steelers game. Ray Rice is a beast XP


edit: I'm pleased to present the third episode of The Mojave, in HD! while there's not much action in this episode, it does tell more plot. i also intended for this episode to be longer, but with college rapidly approaching, I wanted to get one more episode out before I started to get busy. Fear not though! I will still be working on this series, and it will not be forgotten. now, here is Episode 3.



Edited by MadMax08
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Couple of announcements. I'm sharing these because for one, they all hit me rapidly today after my last class at college and they are all great ideas, and none of which will spoil anything for anyone who's been watching :) So here they go.


  • Season 1 of The Mojave will contain 8 episodes. Yes, I'm planning ahead when I say Season 1, because I knew going in to this that there will need to be a right time and place to put a beginning and end to this part of Wayne's story. However, I didn't quite know how many episodes I would make. I originally threw out anywhere from 7 to 10 episodes. I'm settling on 8 because it's a good balanced number.
  • Second, starting tonight I'm beginning work on the script for Episode 4. This episode is going to be a tremendous amount of work involving a good amount of scripting, something I have very little experience with, but I am welcome to the possibility of help in tackling what I'll need to do. If anyone reads this and hasnt been following and would like to help, OR, doesn't mind a little spoiling of the story, PM me and we'll discuss options :)


That is all. I really do appreciate the surprising amount of positive feedback you guys have given me thus far, as well as critical feedback on how to improve my directing game. In this regard, frank lee is the man and gave me some very insightful tips on camera work. Also, I received some very useful help from WastelandAssassin in creating NPCs which is going to be invaluable for this machinima. So thanks to you guys.


I know at this point my "fanbase" is small, but I hope in time that will change and the amount of viewers will grow. Guess we'll have to wait and see. 8)

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I know at this point my "fanbase" is small, but I hope in time that will change and the amount of viewers will grow. Guess we'll have to wait and see. 8)


You've got more fans that you know, brother. I have to admit that seeing this series really motivates me to tighten up the dialogue and characters in the sequel; when I see someone working this diligently on a project (particularly one that references my mod), it pushes me to deliver in the next round.


Kudos, and keep up the great work.

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