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OMGOMGOMG I'm playing FNV in blue/cyan 3d!!!


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Thanks.But as Joseph Heller or Yogi Berra would say: It would have been less hard work if I had done some more hard work.


That is if I had taken the time to rework the vid in a simple video tool to make it the correct aspect ratio it would have looked correct in youtube 3D. To upload a 3d dual video file to youtube you have to "squish" it into an aspect ratio that will then be Unsquished during youtube 3D playback. Also if I had made it a smaller file - that 25 seconds was a 250 meg file- had I outputted it as much smaller (in meg size, not visibe size) it wouldn't have taken so damned long to upload. And that would have taken about 5 minutes to do. I have learned for next time.


The best lesson learned is that the Fraps stereoscopic recordings looked better then the actual 3d gameplay it was supposedly recording. For some reason the Fraps video recording handled the parralax (parallax is the measure of convergance between the left and right images and determines weather the 3d will be "focused" on forground or background) and color a bit better then the in game 3d did. The in game 3d effect mutes all colors ot facilitate red cyan 3D and doesn't allow you a say so while the fraps and resulting youtube can be seen in fuller color.


I will make a new thread for future Fallout NV 3d footage. 3D videos of Fallout NV Gameplay.

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