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Recreating PCs.


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This may sound weird, but I'm trying to recreate my Player Characters, as NPCs using the CS. Does anyone know how I can get the numerical values for all the sliders used in the Character Generator? The CharGen with Numbers Mod gives you a number, but it uses a completly different number system than what the CS's "Face" and "Face Advanced" tabs uses. I thought I could look at one of the save file viewers, but I can't find the character information in there either. So anyone know how I could find CS compatible numbers for all the sliders. I think all the in-game Generator setting are also present in the CS.


By the way sorry if my question is confusing, I didn't know how to exactly word this. I guess the simpleist way to put this is, I want to be able to create a Player Character with the in game Generator, and then find a way to recreate that character as an NPC using the CS.

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I didn't know about that command (I never figure these things out. :( ). I wonder if I can use that command in the console. I'll test this out.


Thanks! :)



Update Edit:


Well I just tried it out and it works perfectly, just like I wanted! The best part is it's simple and I don't have to mess with the CS.


Thanks again for pointing this out. :D

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It should be noted that copies of the player character don't have any real AI stuff, carry any quest objects you have, and are in all the factions you are currently in. They will also only exist within that game, so if you have more than 1 character that you play with, you can't have them interact in any manner.
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It should be noted that copies of the player character don't have any real AI stuff, carry any quest objects you have, and are in all the factions you are currently in. They will also only exist within that game, so if you have more than 1 character that you play with, you can't have them interact in any manner.



That's ok, all I really wanted was a phisical copy of my player character. It even has basic conversation AI (Rumor and persuasion only.). So this is good enough.

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Can you give an NPC a schedule by using a script? I know that you can give it trivial commands like escort and wander, but I'm not sure if you can add scheduled packages.

Not really since those things need to be added through the CS (kinda impossible), trying to set a full schedule through addscriptpackage would be very complicated (since it would all have to run with spell scripts (due to the whole referencing something that does not exist outside that particular game) ), and would probably slow the game down considderably. There may be a few alternatives, but since these fall into projects that I may eventually want to do, I can't talk about them.

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