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Slavers and Raiders in the Mojave Input Requested


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While playing I feel something is missing...where are the good old fashioned raiders? Not just the fiends? I mean we're talking about what is an essentially free territory in the middle of a major upheaval and there's nothing but a bunch of junkies and unambitious ex-cons to contend with? Where are the scum of the earth come to take advantage of such a tentative situation? So I sat down and penned out some ideas and started playing with the GECK and started a Slaver base out of the Searchlight airport and started adding some raider camps but I'm thinking about going bigger, adding in quests, some new potential companions, and a few small towns. Wondered if anyone was already working on something similar as I do not wish to step on anyone else's toes and I also figured I'd check to see if anyone else thinks that this is a good idea. Just wanted some input, critiques, grips, death threats, etc...


What I have so far is a slaver base of operations out of the Searchlight Airport. The backstory is that they're all former Enclave led by a Colonel Titus. When they left the Enclave they stole vertibirds and tech and set up shop in the Mojave so they're a highly organized, efficient, and paramilitary operation that makes lightning quick raids its speciality. Their latest target was a tiny burg just south of Boulder City. The NCR is too busy trying to contend with the mounting Legion threat and can hardly spare the men to mount an assault on such a heavily fortified outpost full of trained soldiers. I'm still fleshing out all of the details but with this mod I'd likely add in a few small towns and villages as good raid sites since I plan to add in the option of actually joining the Slavers. So far I've got the camp built and some basic scripting worked out.


As for the Raiders? Until recently they were just a small problem, all but wiped out by the NCR and a minor annoyance for the merchant caravans. Recently they've fallen under the iron hand of a man known as Diogenes, a brutal totalitarian who has united and organized the raiders. They've begun a series of strikes along the 188 region as well as north of New Vegas itself. Their base of operations is to be determined but I plan on having bands of 4-8 raiders that patrol and return to various encampments. Due to this Caravan security will be beefed up and the Crimson Caravans will have a large reward for the head of Diogenes and his lieutenants or once again the player could switch sides and supply the raiders with maps and cargo manifests. Right now I'm thinking of about six to eight small raid camps dotted across the mojave with a large raider base hidden somewhere.


I have another side project that's on the backburner right now as well. I'm thinking about a horror mod that takes place in Vault 66, a seemingly unopened and untouched Vault. As the old story goes a team of their top scientists went in and never came back out and all the Followers recieved was a cryptic message before all communications were lost. A bit of cliche plot hook I know but it's more a sort of fun little mod for fans of that sort of thing.

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