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Question about a simple travel package


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Ok, so, the title was a little bit of a lie. This is a slightly complicated travel package, but should not be prohibitive. What the scenario should be is an npc forcegreets the player, then leads him somewhere. I have the forcegreet working, and the dialogue progressing to the next stage of the quest and everything. Now, at one point, the travel package worked, however just recently when i started the quest over to test a scene later in it, the travel package stopped working. I actually had this problem before, and deleting the package and re-making it worked, but this time it did not. My npc still stands there without moving after the forcegreet. I have a notification set for when the quest progresses, so I know that the conditions for the forcegreet are met. Has anyone run into this problem and know a fix? Thanks!


EDIT: I put a debug notification in the travel package, and its actually activating. So I tried deleting the xmarker it was pointed to, replacing it, then pointing it to the new one. Nope. Still just standing there. The cell is a vanilla skyrim town, so I know for a fact its navmeshed. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Edited by duude98
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Could be a few things, the one I encounter the most is simply not waiting long enough. NPCs only periodically check to see if there's a new package to start doing, in order to make sure that's not the problem you can use the console, click on the NPC with the package and type "evaluatepackage" which will force the npc to check for a new package right away.


- Does the package have conditions and are they met?

- Is there another package which conditions are being met at the same time but higher in the list? (The top one will take priority)

- Is the NPC being interrupted by anything? Check the Clear All Interrupt Flags in the Flags tab and try and check the Must Complete box so it doesn't try to finish early.


See if any of those work for you.

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I know for a fact that the package activates, because I added a debug notification to when the package starts, and that notification activates. On your suggestion, I clicked the clear all interrupt flags button, but that also did not help. The npc still just stands there. I can back off and everything, but she still refuses to move. Stuffs hard, man :(

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I know troubleshooting those things are a pain! I suggest trying one more thing, try and move the destination marker elsewhere .. preferably closer like maybe a few feet in front of the starting positing and see if the subject moves then.

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You guys were right, it was a navmesh problem. The package took the npc to someplace a little off the beaten path, and I guess it just couldn't deal. I don't understand, though, because it went from working fine to not working, and I never touched the navmesh until it stopped working. This was all in the vanilla Tamriel worldspace, not some custom worldspace that I would have manually navmeshed. Man, this engine can act screwy sometimes... Thanks for the help!

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