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Uninstall better cities


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Hi people,

I've tried the "Better cities" mod some days ago and it didn't please me for some reason.

So I basically disabled it in the OBMM. And, alas! it has corrupted my latest saves : Each time I arrive in a city by foot (without fast travelling) I see a big hole instead of the city gate and the lowest LOD of the city behind it....so it's basically impossible to enter it! And when I fast travel I can roam the city ok but once I enter a house/guild or whatever, the door I've been through is replaced by a hole to an endless world of grey...


The save before I install BC works ok. But it takes me back several levels back (7 instead of 12) and I don't want that...


Thanks for your answers !

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If you still have the Better Cities files sitting around, use those to see what files are added by the mod and make sure none are left over. Before that, though, ensure that the .esps are gone or disabled (OBMM sometimes doesn't disable them for me). If you're sure all the files are gone, but the problem persists, you might want to reinstall. I don't think Better Cities could corrupt saves permanently, but if a reinstall does not fix the problem I will certainly have been proven wrong.
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If you still have the Better Cities files sitting around, use those to see what files are added by the mod and make sure none are left over. Before that, though, ensure that the .esps are gone or disabled (OBMM sometimes doesn't disable them for me). If you're sure all the files are gone, but the problem persists, you might want to reinstall. I don't think Better Cities could corrupt saves permanently, but if a reinstall does not fix the problem I will certainly have been proven wrong.



Hi there ! thanks for the quick reply !

Well I've just uninstalled/reinstalled oblivion, deleting everything (except the saves of course) and...I still have the problem :( ...However if I reinstall BC, the cities come again (but I have the huge FPS droping).

I wonder if there is a trick to uninstall this mod?

Next step, however, I'll try to disable the "open cities" option (without load passing the gate), save , and then unistall the mod...Perhaps it will change something...


PS : Sorry I just realised I've posted in the wrong section of the forum, my bad !

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If you can't get it to work, I suggest asking the authors of Better Cities - consult the readme or any information on the mod's page first, though. If memory serves, the uploader has a thing about people not reading directions (I think a link to the definition of required was posted for clarification on that page).
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