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Oblivion reloaded vs obge


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Hi guys, I was planning in modding oblivion (solely graphics mods, no gameplay overhauls), this is a list of the mods I was going to use


Unofficial patches

Quals texture


OBGE Liquid water

Grass overhaul

Improved trees and flora 2

Obliviom character overhaul


Illumination within

All natural

Immersive interiors


However I recently came across oblivion reloaded mod, kind of like a rework of obge but better and simpler, so I'm going to use this instead, however it isn't really clear on what not to use with this mod, obviously not obge or liquid water, but what about other graphic mods such as grass overhaul, all natural, immersive interiors and illumination within for example?

Basically, if you read the list of mods I stated I was going to use (minus obge and liquid water, as replaced with oblivion reloaded), would they all be compatible with oblivion reloaded (as oblivion reloaded changes a lot of different things and only says "not compatible with mods that change same shaders"


P.s any good graphics mods I have missed out? (Is natural environments still used or do any of the mods I have listed basically include the same things as that mod?) - not really looking for mods like better cities or unique landscapes, I just want vanilla oblivion but with upgraded graphics

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I use all of those (minus OBGE and LW, obviously) with Oblivion Reloaded without any issues.


If you look at the Oblivion Reloaded description page, you can scroll down and see the information you are looking for: Requirements/Recommended/Readme :thumbsup:


No need for Natural Environments with the mods you listed (they will conflict if you do). You could grab Natural Habitat (birds/insects) out of the there but I get those from other mods.


Also, there are a ton of texture mods on Nexus. Just sift through and see what you like. I think I have like every texture in the game replaced. Use Wrye Bash for easy overrides.

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