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watered down Simple Multiple Followers by kuertee


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Specifically I like how kuertee managed their Simple Multiple Followers mod, with the support for special NPCs.

But it does too much. I don't want any extra menus or trap avoidance or followers riding horses.

But I need those special NPCs and DLC NPCs supported, which he/she does well. Serana, Erandur, DB Initiates, Cicero and Dragonborn followers (which I'm not sure his/her mod supports, but assuming) Frea, Talvas, Teldryn, Ralis. And of course the Follower Hunting Bow and Follower Iron Arrows removed. So all I'm asking for is the 10 Normal Followers, 10 Special Followers, 10 Animal Followers part and the Hunting Bow/Iron Arrow fix.

I found one mod on steam that allows 7 normal followers and 7 animal without any other major changes aside form an Adventurers Assemble power (useful) and have used it, but it still has the issues with all the special followers I listed. So in the end that mod was a fail.

kuertee handled the situation the best in my opinion, but I have no idea where to start to make an extremely watered down version of the SImple Multiple Followers mod.



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Hey Nero, sorry for listening in on this. But, by chance (i.e. while I was searching for something else), I came across this request. I don't usually check other forum threads but my mod's own threads.


Anyway, you can turn off all those "advanced" features that my mod contains. Turning off "Trap avoidance", "Auto-looting" and "Eat and sleep", will give you the most "basic" follow-and-wait features of SMF.

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