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Why do I need to disable user armor mods before character creation?


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Hi guys,


I'm wondering about why I need to disable custom armor mods before character creation in order to get them later on while official bioware DLC armor (e.g. BDA) have no such problems? Is there anyway around having to do all these disabling and re-enabling?


Alternatively, I'd settle for a mod that will go through my installed mods and automatically re-enable them after character creation; I really hate having to go through a long list of DLCs in DA:O and deciding whether some obscurely named mod is an armor mod or not.



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I'm wondering about why I need to disable custom armor mods before character creation in order to get them later on while official bioware DLC armor (e.g. BDA) have no such problems?


Because if you don't the armor/weapons won't show up in game. You only need to disable the ones that spawn into your inventory, those that are purchased from merchants or are called from the console are exempt from the rule.


Is there anyway around having to do all these disabling and re-enabling?


Sadly, no unless you go the obvious route and don't use mods that spawn into inventory.


Alternatively, I'd settle for a mod that will go through my installed mods and automatically re-enable them after character creation; I really hate having to go through a long list of DLCs in DA:O and deciding whether some obscurely named mod is an armor mod or not.


Unfortunately there is no mod to do so nor is there likely to be one. Sounds to me like you have a bunch of stuff that you really aren't using on a regular basis. Best thing to do is to uninstall the mods that you aren't going to use as it will streamline the process as well as cut down on load times.

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