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Background and classes problem/question

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I'm pretty new at the toolset and scripting so I have a few questions :)

I followed these tutorial here (http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Backgrounds_tutorial) to create my own background for my own module.


But if I just create one background like in Awakening (Background: Grey Warden) then my dwarf can pick

the mage class, and thats my problem. The dwarf shouldn't be able to be a mage.


In Awakening i found a 2da file called classes_filter_gxa.gda, which manage exactly what I'm looking for.


But I don't know how to use this in my scripts :) Can someone gimme a hint?


Thanks a lot and Marry X-Mas :)



There is also a good tutorial about adding new classes (http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Add_A_New_Class_Tutorial) but they always extend only the "Single Player" of DAO, but i would like to create my own module. Is there a big difference or what is important about to know?

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