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Trouble with ShowMessage/GetButtonPressed functions


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Hello there.


I've created a brand new model of a backpack:



It works fine in game, but I want to make it a bit more functional than other existing backpacks: as you can see, this backpack has a folded mattress. I'd like to make it usable in the following way: when the backpack is dropped out of the inventory (i.e. its world model lies on the floor) you activate it and have a message menu:

0) Open the backpack as a container (to use the backpack as a portable container, one more feature I'd like to add)

1) Take the backpack (and move all the stuff from the container to player's inventory)

2) Unfold the mattress (replace the model of the backpack to a mattressless one and make the mattress appear nearby)

3) Fold the mattress (replace the model of the backpack backwards and make the unfolded mattress "fold", i.e. disappear again)


I know the portable container script can be complicated and require NVSE (there was a similar Fo3 mod that used FOSE) but now I have a much more general problem: my message buttons don't work at all :(


Here's what I'm trying to do now:


Begin GameMode
if ( AwaitingResponse == 1 )
	if ( ButtonVar > -1 )
		if ( ButtonVar == 0 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg0
		elseif ( ButtonVar == 1 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg1
		elseif ( ButtonVar == 2 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg2
		elseif ( ButtonVar == 3 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg3	
Set AwaitingResponse to 0

Begin OnActivate Player
ShowMessage LeatherBackpackOnActivateMsg
Set ButtonVar to GetButtonPressed
Set AwaitingResponse to 1
; variants: 
; 0 - Open the backpack (as a container) 
; 1 - Take the backpack (all the stuff from the container should be moved to player's inventory)
; 2 - Unfold the mattress (replace the model of the backpack and make the mattress appear)
; 3 - Fold the mattress (replace the model of the backpack and make the unfolded mattress on the floor disappear)


In game I see LeatherBackpackOnActivateMsg message with buttons of choice but any button pressed has no effect at all, I can't see further test messages showing my buttons work (because they don't actually).


The only reason I can conjecture is the armor nature of the leather backpack world models (i.e. they aren't misc items that work pretty fine with these functions).


Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by d_ivanov
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Begin GameMode
if ( AwaitingResponse == 1 )
        Set ButtonVar to GetButtonPressed
	if ( ButtonVar > -1 )
		if ( ButtonVar == 0 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg0
		elseif ( ButtonVar == 1 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg1
		elseif ( ButtonVar == 2 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg2
		elseif ( ButtonVar == 3 )
			ShowMessage LeatherBackpackTestMsg3	
Set AwaitingResponse to 0

Begin OnActivate Player
ShowMessage LeatherBackpackOnActivateMsg
Set AwaitingResponse to 1
; variants: 
; 0 - Open the backpack (as a container) 
; 1 - Take the backpack (all the stuff from the container should be moved to player's inventory)
; 2 - Unfold the mattress (replace the model of the backpack and make the mattress appear)
; 3 - Fold the mattress (replace the model of the backpack and make the unfolded mattress on the floor disappear)

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