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My idea is not a demand but a request for a sister to Standalone09's Dagger of Vaermina


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Hey Standalone09 and anyone who helped make Standalone09's Dagger of Vaermina, I have an idea that would appease us 1-H and 2-H sword fans out there. Even tho y'all's idea is original, the reason for this idea is that I believe there are too many Daggers and not really enough swords out there. Now for those of us who likes speed but not at the cost of reach and damage output there is the 1-H version, and for those who like the increased reach and damage output but, at the cost of speed, there is the 2-H version. So if it's no trouble (If and when y'all have time) please make a 1-H and a 2-H version of the Dagger of Vaermina, cause even though the dagger itself looks amazing, I am just not a very big Dagger fan myself. The explanation is simple, in the Xbox 360 version of Skyrim I only have two favorite daggers in the entire game, they are Mehrunes Razor and Keening. The reason Mehrunes Razor is My favorite is because of its enchantment and the reason Keening is my favorite is because of the silly quest you have to go through in order to get it and the history behind the dagger itself, that's it. I know there are a lot of Dagger fans out there are going to be really upset with me and I'm sorry but as a close friend of mine said, "It's all a personal preference," and I prefer 1-H swords the most. And hell all you have to do is use the same texture and similar stats that you used for the Dagger and just make replace the dagger stats for 1-H Daedric weapon stats. I The reason I'm asking is that I don't know how to mod at all, as in I don't even know the basics, other wise I'd ask for permission and do it myself. I




(The I's at the beginning of the Bold characters are there for looks, nothing else!!!!)


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