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One person literally predicted Paid Mods....and we didn't listen


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You're only making that even more sad... That guy isnt the only one that said such things, and none of them has been listened. Even then, we couldnt do s*** about it, isnt it?


It puts things into perspective.


Valve put everyone involved on a 90 day NDA. Why would they NDA it when they have Steam Machines and Steam Controllers up with fancy pictures and stuff when it isnt even out yet?

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The monetization of any industry, creative or otherwise, is inevitable in a capitalist social mechanic. Anyone who thought this couldn't, or wouldn't happen, was frankly ignoring history and being an oblivious idiot. I remember talking about it amongst friends back in 2000 and f*#@ing 4 for christs sake.


The problem isn't seeing it coming, the problem is that no one in the modding community, or amongst consumers, took any steps to solidify their positions or establish a platform for discussion. As with most things, no body cared to look ahead, and now all the issues that we SHOULD have been talking about all along come to a great big head with everyone obstinately digging in their heels and refusing to budge.

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The monetization of any industry, creative or otherwise, is inevitable in a capitalist social mechanic. Anyone who thought this couldn't, or wouldn't happen, was frankly ignoring history and being an oblivious idiot. I remember talking about it amongst friends back in 2000 and f***ing 4 for christs sake.


The problem isn't seeing it coming, the problem is that no one in the modding community, or amongst consumers, took any steps to solidify their positions or establish a platform for discussion. As with most things, no body cared to look ahead, and now all the issues that we SHOULD have been talking about all along come to a great big head with everyone obstinately digging in their heels and refusing to budge.

I'm not sure Steam guys are the kind of convenient ones. Talking about that earlier would have only hastened the spawning of that idea of theirs. But I may be a bit paranoid.

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I'm not sure Steam guys are the kind of convenient ones. Talking about that earlier would have only hastened the spawning of that idea of theirs. But I may be a bit paranoid.

ng about all along come to a great big head with everyone obstinately digging in their heels and refusing to budge.



It never had to be on Steam. There are numerous forums where Mods have been discussed over the years, from Reddit to 4chan to developer forums to this very site. No one, anywhere, took any steps to prepare for something that a blind twit should have seen coming a decade ago, and in some case (I've seen it on 4chan and Reddit specifically) discussion about it was actively opposed.


Even now, the reactions across the Internet, here and on Steam and Reddit (i stopped paying attention to 4chan years ago) can be summarized by "Make it go away!" instead of anything approaching reasonable discussion and trying to actually address the issue.

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I'm not sure Steam guys are the kind of convenient ones. Talking about that earlier would have only hastened the spawning of that idea of theirs. But I may be a bit paranoid.

ng about all along come to a great big head with everyone obstinately digging in their heels and refusing to budge.



It never had to be on Steam. There are numerous forums where Mods have been discussed over the years, from Reddit to 4chan to developer forums to this very site. No one, anywhere, took any steps to prepare for something that a blind twit should have seen coming a decade ago, and in some case (I've seen it on 4chan and Reddit specifically) discussion about it was actively opposed.


Even now, the reactions across the Internet, here and on Steam and Reddit (i stopped paying attention to 4chan years ago) can be summarized by "Make it go away!" instead of anything approaching reasonable discussion and trying to actually address the issue.


I get your point, and even if, as you say, its inevitable, I think its understandable that people just dont want to be forced to pay for mods other people never asked for money in the first place. Any kind of compromise or discussing that is barely making them paid-for anyway. I know you might be right saying its inevitable, but in the other hand I cant but feel like I'm milked dry even more, when I wasnt 10 days ago... =/


(Please excuse my English, i'm not very comfy with elaborated sentences)

Edited by Genj0
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The monetization of any industry, creative or otherwise, is inevitable in a capitalist social mechanic. Anyone who thought this couldn't, or wouldn't happen, was frankly ignoring history and being an oblivious idiot. I remember talking about it amongst friends back in 2000 and f***ing 4 for christs sake.


The problem isn't seeing it coming, the problem is that no one in the modding community, or amongst consumers, took any steps to solidify their positions or establish a platform for discussion. As with most things, no body cared to look ahead, and now all the issues that we SHOULD have been talking about all along come to a great big head with everyone obstinately digging in their heels and refusing to budge.


I think everyone Was prepared for this hence the well thought out counter arguments and massive backlash. Its Beth/Valve that weren't paying attention, and thought it would go through with little resistance. And resist I will. For years and by any means necessary. Even if its a futile effort. Just the knowledge that i'm hindering in some tiny insignificant way makes me feel better.

Besides I cant afford to pay for mods, what else am i gonna do with my time. :tongue:

Edited by sh0d4n
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