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Toggle "walk" w/ xbox controler?


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Ok, this may not be the place for this, but I've looked for an answer everywhere else I can think of. I am missing 3 fingers on my left hand, so playing on the keyboard is just not an option for me. I use an xbox controller with this mod to give me more options with the controller. Here's the issue.......with the xbox controller, my character is always running. The only way to walk is to push less on the left stick......which gets incredibly old! I would love to figure a way to toggle between walk and run, but I can't find anything that allows this while the xbox controller is being used.


The answer may be incredibly simple and I'm just missing something. I'm a complete noob regarding these things, so please be gentle. If anyone can tell me how to toggle between.......or even to permanently set my default setting to "walk" and just have "run" with the left bumper instead of "sprint", I would greatly appreciate it.


If this is the wrong place to ask this question, I do apologize.





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Try this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65116/?


In the MCM menu, set movement speed to 20/25. Then the hotkeys to D-left/D-right (or +/- on the keyboard if you're using the D-pad for something else) then the interval to 80/75.

Movement: 20/25

+speed Key: D-right/Keboard+ (to toggle run)

-speed Key: D-left/Keyboard- (to toggle walk)

+/-interval: 80/75


It works like toggle walk and toggle run buttons so you'll need to use two keys now instead of one.

*I've tried it with both hotkeys as the same button to see if it can work like a toggle button (same like the keyboard control) but it didn't work..


Note: Just avoid using movement speed settings that add up above 100 if you want to change the walk speed to your liking.

Sometimes it bugs out and makes your characters speed go insanely fast or the the keys tend to do nothing.

Refrain spamming between the two hotkeys.


I RECOMMEND you use less used keys (like +/-, </>) for the hotkey cause it seems to still activate when you are in a menu


Hope this works well for you.


-I do not own this mod-

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