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Now that paid mods are gone, it's time to count the casualties..


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_My humble opinion_ I think, that living from modding is wrong way of life. It is a hobby. Neither more, nor less. For those who want to sit in front of PC and earn money for "HAAAARD WOOORK"- hard work is done in reality, not in blender, 3dmax or nifconverter.

Donations, like someone mentioned, are supposed to provide modder with a bottle of cola/beer/juice/pizza once in a while. Not every day, week and even month. But watching a hundred people downloaded your little creation and spending 1-2 bux donated for a pack of juice - means you are the part of smth that remembers the meaning of _sharing_.


P.S. bethesda's games are pretty at a first run, but later you come to realise that their games can be developed and enhanced WAY deeper those guys work on. They tried to charge for their laziness after failing with TESO. No job - no pay. Cause world is already full of "money for nothing, chicks for free"

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"or those who want to sit in front of PC and earn money for "HAAAARD WOOORK"- hard work is done in reality, not in blender, 3dmax or nifconverter. " yeah because game development and freelance artist don't exist right? There's a lot of people living from 3ds max and similar programs (not nifskope of course). Living from modding is wrong (and difficult), i agree with that. But there's a bunch of people living from 3d modelling and game development in general.


And most people's work is basically sitting in front of a pc so...

Edited by FrankFamily
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"or those who want to sit in front of PC and earn money for "HAAAARD WOOORK"- hard work is done in reality, not in blender, 3dmax or nifconverter. " yeah because game development and freelance artist don't exist right? There's a lot of people living from 3ds max and similar programs (not nifskope of course). Living from modding is wrong (and difficult), i agree with that. But there's a bunch of people living from 3d modelling and game development in general.


And most people's work is basically sitting in front of a pc so...

Don't you wanna start a topic on how much useless thing those ppl do, do you? Not all of office workers, but most of them, though it's another case, still work together on supporting smth that _can_ really be usefull to anyone. Managing food stores, medicine supplies, etc through computer controlling. Modding is creating things for virtual reality.

Edited by IvirtualDragonI
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You do realize that you did not win. You lost. More than you could ever imagine. Very few, if any, will understand what was lost. ...and that you can never ...ever ...get it back. In fact, you do not deserve to get it back.



"... Aaaaand oooooon the thiiiiiiird daaaaaay.... ! " Now come on that clairvoyant thing has to stop.

Edited by Genj0
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_My humble opinion_ I think, that living from modding is wrong way of life. It is a hobby. Neither more, nor less. For those who want to sit in front of PC and earn money for "HAAAARD WOOORK"- hard work is done in reality, not in blender, 3dmax or nifconverter.



So, I am gonna break out my Inner b&@*$ here and just say. WTF!?! Seriously. Have you ever tried modding? Have you ever tried scripting? Have you ever do anything? Sure, it is not heavy manual labor intensive, but it does require a lot of mental skill, which says to me that no, you have not done, or if you tried you failed miserably.


Some of these mods took hundreds of hours to make, that is trying to get everything to work right in the mod, as well as trying to get it all to play nice with the original game scripts, and trying to weed out incompatibilities with other mods. It is time difficult, time consuming, and exhausting to do.


Please, pull your head from your sphincter and think before you post again about how modders don't work. If this crap was so easy, then there would be more awesome mods like Frostfall (also Hypothermia) or INeed (yeah, there are 3 popular ones, and that is the most recent of them, but 3 out of hundreds....do the math), and people would not have gotten so bent out of shape that something they had been using for years suddenly had a new update that they would have to pay for, they would have just switched to something comparable. but there was nothing similar.

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It has nothing to do with Clairvoyance. I can read. I can read replies on other sites/forums, on how many people will no longer make mods, and publish them on Nexus. I will not post links to these comments, or mention who they are, as this toxic community has shown their true colors. You will never be able to count, or even understand the amount of casualties, as they are gone, and you will never see them again. You have shown your fourth point of contact, and as this is the internets, nothing ever goes away, it will be there forever.


This is nothing against Dark0ne... as unfortunately, they are also one of the casualties.

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It has nothing to do with Clairvoyance. I can read. I can read replies on other sites/forums, on how many people will no longer make mods, and publish them on Nexus. I will not post links to these comments, or mention who they are, as this toxic community has shown their true colors. You will never be able to count, or even understand the amount of casualties, as they are gone, and you will never see them again. You have shown your fourth point of contact, and as this is the internets, nothing ever goes away, it will be there forever.


This is nothing against Dark0ne... as unfortunately, they are also one of the casualties.



No, actually, I really need these links to people who said they're not going to be posting mods on the Nexus anymore. Just to make sure you're not claiming that the sky is falling.


And even if they were not coming back, I think we'll just have to pull up our big girl panties and move on with our lives because that's what people do in real life. There are enough people here that feel badly for what happened to the mod authors out of the goodness of their own hearts. I think you can tell that these folks aren't even the kind to participate in lynchings.

Edited by Laereal
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Funny, as I do not recall claiming that the sky is falling.


Will people move on with their lives...? I would hope so. However, what has happened, happened, and thing will never be the same. Trust was lost on both sides of the fence. Trust is a hard thing to win back, once it is lost.


...and sorry, you will have to understand that I cannot take your word that folks here are not the lynching type. What I've read over the last few days, says otherwise.

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