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Reached MOD LIMIT with FOMM - Need Alternatives


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So i have a LOT of mods (around 10 gig) i'm going to estimate around 300ish, but have around 250 activated. I have so many mods, so much so that FOMM cannot handle anymore, so it over-rides and conflicts and goes mental with its textures, sounds, meshes, everything.

I am CERTAIN this is FOMM's limit, and not conflicting mods because i have loaded just one mod over the cap that everything works fine, and nomatter what mod it is, after i load any one mod more, it starts freaking out.


I need an alternative, does one exist? I'm currently looking at FNVEdit and BOSS, as well as LOST on nexus utilities page, not sure what i'm looking for or what i need as an alternative to FOMM.

Any advice/help would be much appreciated, scoured the net and found very little help.


Anyone else have this problem?



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The game itself has a hard coded limit of around 255, you will proberly want to combine some ESP's ect, not shure if FNvedit can do it, so if no one else replies check google. Edited by micalov
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The game itself has a hard coded limit of around 255, you will proberly want to combine some ESP's ect, not shure if FNvedit can do it, so if no one else replies check google.


I would love to combine a load of ESP's, just not sure how to do it, with what program and where to start. :(

I'll check around, see if i can find anything.


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  • 1 year later...

Hello! This is very old thread, but it is still actual!

For this reason I have written this miniFAQ.


:: Problem Description

The mod limit is indeed present in FO:NV. It became even more obvious with lastest 1.4 patch.


The reason for mod limit have to do with string lengths within mods themself.

They have nothing to do with your memory, your disk speed, your OS, your graphical card, its drivers etc.


More stuff you install, more probable it is that you reach the mod limit.


:: Details

The basic things that happen, when mod limit is reached are following:

- textures will start to glitch and flicker.

- textures will be replaced with exclamation marks.

- random textures will disappear, even for basic things such as NPC.

- main menu is blocked, esc does nothing. Asterisk, qqq however works.

- save games are corrupted and can´t be displayed or loaded.


:: How to distiguish and confirm you have mod limit problems, but not with mod order:

if you manage to save in corrupted area, quit and restart NV, load the place - you will see texture problems gone.

However, if you enter different area, they will reappear.


if you hit somebody, then press non-working ESC, then wait till you are killed. In the moment you are killed, main menu will suddenly comeup.


if you deactivate LASTEST mod, the problems will very probably be gone (when that mod limit edge is matched).

However, if you start activating even EMPTY mod files at end of the list, the problems will reappear.


The problem can be efficiently worked around by mergin smaller mods together.


:: Problems with "merging into All-In-One" approach

There are two disadvantages:

time - about 4 hours

unability to easily update the mods - you´ll need to repackage

new game will be required.


:: How to solve

First you need to watch basic tutorial on FNVedit, available on youtube.

You then need to grab and install following: NMM, FNVedit, FNVplugin, (any 7z/rar archiver)

Install them all.


In Nexus Mod Manager, seek out all plugins that depend ONLY on single master(.esm), such as falloutnv.esm.

You can activate plugins(.esp) depending on more than primary master, such as DLC, but be aware:

- more complex plugins are not worth merging

- more complex plugins will break

- all plugins will have to have same masters. That means, you will have to insert masters manually into plugins that reference less masters. This is why merging only small plugins, which depend only on one master is recommended. I personally have about 90 such plugins.


Deactivate everythingin NMM, except those plugins. Deactivate, not remove and not unmerge.

Sort plugins properly. Game should start and be playable!

Write down or copy paste them. Exit NMM.


Start FNVedit and select only master esm, and those basic plugins that you want to merge.

Check that every plugin references same masters. If you find plugin with version prior to 1.32, you might have problems. But in many cases editing this string and replacing to 1.32000 solves all. Save if you made changes.


Start FNVplugin. Create new plugin.

Open NMM and choose plugins section - this is for your reference.

Inside FNVplugin start adding plugins, topmost first.

Some non-activated .esp´s will still get into FNVplugin add list. So watch out and confirm it looking at NMM.

If you encounter error, you better leave that specific plugin not merged. Some plugins might have mistakes.

Normally, you should be able to add all plugins. I have ~8000 entries.

Inside FNVPlugin, add your description ( a list of merged plugins will be good ) and SAVE.

-- you will have your combined .esp inside Fallout/data order now.


Following step allows to make your plugin standalone.

The absolute best experience now, is to create a new folder and start extracting all plugins that you have combined there, one by one, fetching and leaving only DATA, deleting all .esp, text etc.

For those unaware, the structure should be basically:

meshes (folder)

textures (folder)

sound (folder)


Then, move your combined .esp from falloutnv/data to here,

7z it,

and you have your standalone merged_plugin


Now, remove every single plugin(it will auto-deactivate), which is included in your mod, from game via NMM.

Insert all plugins you haven´t included.

Insert your mega-plugin.

Sort the plugins correctly - those that should change your megaplugin stats should go after, those that create base - before.


Start new game. You are done.


Remember, while this method will substantly shift away the limit, the limit itself can´t be removed. At specific mod amount, you may encounter it yet again, and you won´t be able to workaround it without sacrifices then.


This method is result of 2 days reading, it is employed by me and it solves the limit problem.


:: Why is this method the very best

- Wrye Flash is not supported anymore, it is complex, it requires a lot of time

- Merging via FNVedit is very time consuming, manual, many times it will break things, "merged patch" is not same as standalone merged plugin

- Using FNVplugin to just merge stuff will break stuff, as current 1.7 version has a bug, which damages plugins that don´t reference same masters. This is worked around in my guide.

Edited by destroyerSMS
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