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Loads on Steam from Disk Version?


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So like the topic says, I bought the F:NV Collectors Edition and when I started to install it it went straight to Steam and began downloading, now this wouldn't make me too annoyed except that if I remember correctly mods don't work with Steam. So I guess I'm trying to figure out, is this normal? Am I still able to use mods on that version? is there a way to get it installed that doesn't involve Steam?
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I for one would like just like to mention that i think steam being required to play any game is a very unwanted feature . I am one of the minority that doesn't have internet at their house ( i live in a pretty inaccessible location) so the only time i get to play really and get updates is when I'm at my friends house ( i wish there was a way to get update offline so i could download them and take them home to apply them) now don't get me wrong I'm not condoning piracy in any form , i would even approve of some form of rigorous DVD check or something . Just throwing my 2c worth out there (that's about all its worth LOL)


Thanks for listening



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