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How do I use Nexus Mod Manager for this game?


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...Or any other game? I installed NMM and start it up and it just shows a page full of a list of games with status bars saying scanning. There's no option to add any other game, no nothing... Just "stop searching" "quit" or whatever else... And it just sits there and scans forever, whether I have one of the pre-determined games installed or not..


So how do I use this oddly designed program to mod any game other than what's listed there? There's ZERO options to add anything else. Really odd and frustrating.. What am I doing wrong? I browse this site for a mod I would like to try, hit download, hit install with NMM, and it just brings up this same page. I hit 'quickstart' and it just says NMM couldn't find any mods for the games listed and will now quit...


So, wtf? NMM only works for Dragon Age and Dark Souls and the 9 or so other games listed there? Or what am I missing? ANY help would be appreciated. Thank you.


edit: I found out how to get past this screen - the manager just found New Vegas after restarting several times. But now I'm trying to download a New Vegas mod and when it's just stuck on pause.. When I try to hit resume I get an error saying "wait for the login attempt."


How do I get past this? Thanks.

Edited by flisaber
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