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A Tiny question that deals with scripting.


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Hi im currently working on what started out as a small retexture and accidently escalated into a fairly large quest. I have made a summonable creature (a type of wolf) and linked the spell to a book in which you learn and cast it which the summons the wolf for the alloted amount of time. The problem is i cant seem to get it to attack or attack something that is attacking me. After messing with the AI settings for about 3 hours i had determined that it must be done with a script of some sort. But one im not sure which script area it would be in and two im not sure what the script would be to make the creature attack whatever is attacking me, even though its fairly simple if commands and the sort. It would be greatly appreciated if someone would help even the slightest bit, and it will make my mod come out way faster as well. Thank you all very much. peace
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The Escort package should be worth a try. Additionally, you could try fixing its disposition toward the player at 100, or assigning it to the player's faction. Although these should be assignable from the base object*, it may be necessary to have a script set them after the summon. Of course, it would all be a lot easier had Bethesda decided to provide us with additional spell slots...



*You ARE using a copy of the original wolf, I hope...

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when i was having an issue with a summonable monster i recived a script from vagrant0 it worked for me, once. So i changed it around abit and it seemed to work alot better.


What i do, is create a cell, or place in an exisiting cell with no one around the creature you wish to summon. Then i make the reference. For example from my necromancers mod the summon spell is "the lich lord" so i place the creature in the test or dummy cell that no one will ever see, or heck put it in the IC market it dont really matter. Then make the reference. i called him LichLord01. Next i clicked his ownership tab and found "player" lastly i clicked the 2 boxes "Reference presists" and "Initialy disabled"


ScriptName CustomSummonSCR


Ref Pet

Shor doonce (not sure what this does)


Begin ScriptEffectStart

if doonce != 1

Enable lichlord01

set pet to player.placeat me lichlord01 1, 256, 1

set doonce to 1






Begin Scripteffectupdate




This script allowed me to just basicly summon the creature yet the creature already existed so it was placed at me, and being ownd by the player it fought anything that was hostile to the player. except it didnt add the players name onto the creature witch was increadbly odd?!?! and i still dont know how it works.


Okay lets recap for your wolf


First you make the creature from the orignal

then in a new cell you create or any cell you want place the creature (interior or exterior)

Double click the creature the first edit box will apear, name him a referance, your choice or whaterver well use reference Wolfsummon01. Now check the 2 boxes "initaly disabled" and "presistant referance"

next step click on the ownership tab and on NPC find "player" typing pl will jump you right to it.

FInd the Edit base button at the top and edit the AI, i personally used

Agression 50

Courage 100

energy 50

reponsiblity 100

seems to work.


Now for the script it will be exactly like mine yet your referances :D


ScriptName CustomSummonSCR


Ref Pet

Shor doonce (not sure what this does)


Begin ScriptEffectStart

if doonce != 1

Enable wolfsummon01

set pet to player.placeatme wolfsummon01 1, 256, 1

set doonce to 1






Begin Scripteffectupdate




THe update at the bottem will ensure that the creature dissapears on time out or new summon

If it dont work let me know and ill look into if i messed up :D


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ahhhh yes the player ownership seems to have helped a vast amount. As far as putting the creature somewhere in the world and having it spawn to you, i had already gotten it to properly summon an disapear with no problems, but thank you very much for your help anyway. thanks guys. Peace
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