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Good daedric ruins


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well, what classifis as 'good'? Lots of loot, strong souls to trap, fun enamies to kill? Welll, for loot just pick a city, and then another city, and walk from one to the other, clearing every smuggler cave you find. For strong sould just find one of the ruins that is named on your paper map and sould trap everything.Fun enamies? Well, what do you like? Personally I'm a vampire hunter when I'm not doing quests. There is one that I love!


Take a ship to Dagon Fel, or your the Prolyprolon Camber at Rotheran, the Go to rotheran(if you sailed). To the East is two little islands, Ic an't remeber which it is but I thnk it is the south East one. On it is a smuggler cave and tomb, funnylittle story in between them, but there is a vampire in the tomb, she's not too hard, but she is powerful, but the nice thing is you get a very nice ring. But I'll let you discover that.


(Note: The two islands are the very first two as you head east from Rotheran)

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Both Galom Daeus and Amelech (Spelling?) referred to are headquarters of the vampire clans Berne and Aundae respectively (Quarra is Druscashti - ?spelling). If you intend to play as a vampire at some time in the game it is not a good idea to have wiped them out. (You may become a member of the clan and have no one to give you quests.)


Also many Daedric ruins are used in quests for guilds and houses. There is a risk that you might lose the artifact you are sent to find and be unable to progress in the guild/faction without resort to the console.


The same applies to several caves and tombs. I recommend you decide what factions you intend to play and complete their quests before going on a killing spree. There is no problem if you don't intend to join any of the factions of course.

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