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FCOM Installation Help


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Okay, I played Oblivion on the XBOX360 and recently got a bundle of everything for the PC because I've seen so much about Mods that make the game much more interesting. FCOM caught my attention, and I've been following this helpful guide here on installing the complex machination that is FCOM: http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcominstall.html . My Problem is this. I installed Wrye Bash 275, upgraded to 287 then finally to 290. I keep seeing references to a shortcut file in the Mopy folder and I don't have it. Looking at the Wrye Bash html document I find they reference the Wrye Bash Launcher. But it does nothing when I try and run it. I installed Python beforehand as dictated in the guide I linked, and I haven't skipped any steps. so I am wondering what is wrong.


For reference I am running Windows 7. And when I try and run it, nothing happens at all. And no error log is generated.

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Within your Mopy folder you should have a folder titled "Extras". Within that folder you should have two things; one is called "Bashed Patch, O.esp". If you don't, try reinstalling a new recent version of Wrye Bash.


It's that file that you'll need to copy to your Oblivion Data folder in order to create a Bashed Patch of your unique chosen mods. But if you're doing this in order to hopefully follow the directions from that FCOM Convergence page you referenced, you're wasting your time. Those directions are ancient, and do not work with the current meshes, textures, and .bsa files referenced in their directions.


Save yourself! Wait for somebody to create some new functional "how-to"; I am.

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