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NPC question


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How do you stop an NPC (goblin) from walking on a trap/falling down a crevice? I've already tried laying down a path grid but they dont follow it. They just walk randomly around and sometimes step on the traps or fall down the pit....thanks for the help!
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a simple answer.....


you don't.


I dont know of any scripts that stop them, in fact I trick bandits into traps all the time!




lol ok. That seems like a good answer.


Ill try the the dangerous flag thing GBHis. thaks


Ok I have another question now though. Im setting up an ambush, I want to set up the NPC's so that they are invisible at first but then after speaking with the main guy they appear and attack.


I've tried looking for a quest that does this....I pretty sure theres a quest somewhere that does this. Thanks in advance!

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