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I downloaded the lich mod, and i really liked it. Then whilst mucking around with "actors in charge" i discovered that the lich's animations work on the Player! So i talked to the guy that made it, he said that he didn't know how, so here i am, asking for help on changing the characters animations. Now the animations are already in game, so that s one problem out of hte way. The way the lich mod works is when you are in "lich form" certain items get added to your inventory (robe, skull head). I was thinking if i could add a scripted spell effect to one of those items that changes a few of your animations it would be really cool. So i have a few questions; 1) If i did impliment those anims onto the character, like in the "actors in charge" mod, would i have to constantly be in 3rd person mode?

2) How would i go about making those spell effects? I know when you use actors in charge and select an aimation it say at the top of the screen "actors abilities added". Maybe if i made it so whenever you walk forward it adds the animation lichwalkfoward or whatever, so you look like a lich.

ANyway, any help on the matter would be much appriciated.



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i believe there is an animation list for every race\creature at least. you could try simply changing this in the cs and try to check what will happen in firstperson mode... for the spelleffect you should just make a script that adds the animation....
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Well, if i change the animations it changes them for everyone, not what i want. I belive it the only way to make it possible it so the item has a spell effect, which adds other spell effects at certian times. So the first one says something like "if the player walks forward, add spell "lichwalforward" then the spell lichwalkforward says "play animation lichwalkfoward"
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The spell: probably possible, but it would be a LOT easier to do it through the CS.

Checking for all these things would require a clever script -- and would prolly' decrease the FPS a bit. The Idles (float) would be the tricky part, methinks.

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A) The abilities required to do neat things are harder to learn than those required to do mundane things OR

B) There are sufficiently many mods using easy-to-acquire skills that it is hard to find an interesting one without wading through piles of boring, bland, or just plain bad mods.

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