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Trying to create guild base in creation kit, won't load in game properly


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Hi everyone,


I have almost 0% experience with the creation kit, so I am 100% sure this is my fault. I have been modding skyrim with all your hard work for years, and now I wanted to create a my own guild base for sosko's guild starter. I turned the creation kit on and watched a few basic how-to's. I am not trying anything advanced, because I am retarded. I copied an existing building (hall of the dead from solitude) and plopped in down in the middle of the wilderness - worked 100%, navmeshes and all! But I wanted to copy and change (only a tiny bit) the companions living basement and attach that to a load door inside my building. It loads in fine, and technically everything I did is there. I changed it so I am the owner, so its a no reset and so it has 'none' under the location (also deleted all duplicate NPCs). But when I enter it this happens:




It is all looking as it should in the CK, and it loads when I walk through the grey part, but where I come from will then turn grey. The regular companions hall is where it should be and all 100%. Just mine looks like this. It also happened when I tried copying the Dark brotherhood falkreath sanctuary.


How can I fix this? I dont think it is a mod conflict as it has never happened anywhere else in the game. Do you guys have any ideas?


Thanks so much for helping me, sorry if this is in the wrong section btw.

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When you copied the structure you also copied the room bounds and portals; it's what the game engine uses to limit the amount of stuff it has to render inside.




here are indepth instructions for working with them:




once you remove them (and if your structure is big enough, add new ones), the weirdness will disappear.

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When you copied the structure you also copied the room bounds and portals; it's what the game engine uses to limit the amount of stuff it has to render inside.




here are indepth instructions for working with them:




once you remove them (and if your structure is big enough, add new ones), the weirdness will disappear.


Thank you so, so much. Sorry for such a basic mistake. Thanks for such a helpful response!

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