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anyone want to continue my mod


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i am the author of 00 agents legends, a mod that mostly adds expansive new content to oblivion. due to personal things such as school, and the loss of want to spend time in developing new ideas, i am offering up my mod for another person to continue creating new content with it.


as it stands now, there are only a few things that are not yet completed, and after they are finished you WILL need to be able to make your own new content.


before you post or PM me, please read the following:


why don't i just not worry about creating new content, and just leave it how it is?

---because i believe that people enjoy using my mod, and would like to see new things for it.


what are the requirements if i want to be the one to continue this mod?

---there are no real requirements, but if more then one person wishes to continue it, i will pick the one with more successful or higher quality modding abilities.


1.at least minor knowledge of 3-d modeling and textures will be useful.

2.the ability to script would be good, but is not required, because of the quality of the forums.

3.finally, you must be willing to work on this, and devote time to it. not just casusally say "yes ill work on it", then have it collect dust on your hard drive while not really doing anything with it.



i will explain details such as the readme, and ownership, through private messages.

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Really, you should put your requirements out in the open. A link to the existing mod would be a good idea, too.


what do you mean? i put my requirements right there, they're not hidden at all.

modding experience is a plus, knowledge in 3-d modeling and textures is useful. there aren't hardcore requirements, meaning if someone really wants to continue this, and they have never actually made a mod before, im not going to tell them no just based on that.




and a link to the mod...

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  • 2 months later...

this offer is still alive, in case someone was wondering.


i wasn't sure if i made this clear earlier, the only reason why i am offering this up for someone else to work on isn't because its a bad mod or anything like that. its largely because no matter what work i do on it, i can't upload it very easily. (the curse of dial up :@)

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