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Three Total Noob Questions


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I've found people here are pretty decent overall, lddodd. It's unlikely you'll get attacked unless you attack first. :)


As I (and several others) pointed out on a general discussion forums site I used to moderate, one also has to consider the difference between a newbie and a noob. A newbie asks reasonable questions, is polite and tries to learn. A noob is just rude & obnoxious, never tries to learn, etc...


FWIW, Google can also be your friend in learning just about anything related to Skyrim & modding. It'll help you find a lot of good resources if you keep your searches as specific as possible. Quite a few of those searches will take you to YouTube too. There's videos there with walk thrus on everything from quests to how to create your own mods. :)

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I am happy I asked, too :smile:


As for the Quote button not working, I have no clue what "No Script" even is. What I did notice, though, is that I cannot paste inside the "Reply to this topic" box. Maybe this is an indicator for what is wrong.


What are you trying to paste? o.o


Also, no script is a firefox addon that, as the name implies, is used to prevent scripts from loading- it's mainly a security and anti-advertisement too. What web browser are you using?

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There is a difference between a newbie and a noob? You're pulling my leg, right? :)


I am trying to paste text. But I asked on the troubleshooting forum and from what I understand, Internet Explorer does not work with the Nexus site. I don't want Firefox, but it seems I have no choice. *sigh*


But I would have a completely different question:


As I am working myself slowly through the basic modding guide, I realize that modding takes plenty of space. I wanted to buy a new computer anyways, so I womder, what kind of hard disk space makes sense?

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Well get an SSD for the primary drive (Solid State Drive not Super Star Destroyer) - stick only the OS and essential apps on this, it'll speed up gameplay marginally but boot times get reduced to less than thirty seconds. They're getting cheaper all the time so get as big a one as your wallet can stretch to. Oh and with a big enough SSD and as few programs installed on it as possible you can keep the swap file on this drive, that will improve things alot. The paltry 120 gig SSD C: drive on my rendering computer is getting full so I had to switch the swap file off & let the HDDs handle it and I've noticed a hit in performance. Admittedly that's with heavy duty 3D apps but the principle is the same - you want your fastest drive to handle the swap file.

A couple of 1tb drives or a 2tb partitioned for everything else.

Also a decent big external drive for backups.

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There is a difference between a newbie and a noob? You're pulling my leg, right? :)


I am trying to paste text. But I asked on the troubleshooting forum and from what I understand, Internet Explorer does not work with the Nexus site. I don't want Firefox, but it seems I have no choice. *sigh*


But I would have a completely different question:


As I am working myself slowly through the basic modding guide, I realize that modding takes plenty of space. I wanted to buy a new computer anyways, so I womder, what kind of hard disk space makes sense?

There's a difference alright. Newbie is typically endearing, while noob is usually derogatory.


Also, don't forget to consider processor and gfx card, especially if you want to use any intense graphics mods, such as Real Vision.

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