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Question: Modifying Level Up System


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I've been playing Oblivion for while and I have been pretty irritated with the non-intuitive level up system apparent in the unmodified game. I think a good way of remedying the problem is to have the x5 multiplier be on every stat every level up regardless of what skills you have leveled up.


Anyway a mod already exists that dose something very similar. That would be Falconhurst's "All +5 Attribute Modifiers" (http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=2691). I started noticing problems because the +5 modifier only started appearing on a few of the attributes after the first few times I used it. After noticing the problem I went ahead and checked the plugin to see how the mod was implemented. The basic jist of the mod is that it changes the "iLevelUpXXMult" (where XX is an interger between 01-10) from whatever number it had been to 5. This at first glance this seems like the obvious solution.


Except that I believe the iLevelUpXXMult is the multiplier applied to an attribute that has XX level ups in a skill that is governed by that attribute - which means that if no skills of a particular attribute were leveled, then there is no x5 modifier applied to that attribute (the obvious way to test this was to use the console to level up, if done right after leveling normally and no skills were leveled then there were no modifiers for attributes). So, does anyone know a way to make the x5 modifier always appear even if no skills of an attribute are leveled? Somehow the attribute modifier even worked for luck the first few times I leveled, but after that it did not.


I have a few ideas on how to do it but I don't know the appropiate variables and was hoping that maybe if no one knew the answer someone may know if these are feasible; my ideas included:


- Change no multiplier level up from 1 to 5 and set all the mulitpliers to one (not sure if such a variable exists).

- Somehow trick the game into thinking that every skill has been leveled up once for multiplier purposes (not sure what this entangles).

- Add a new iLevelUp00Mult and have it set to 5 (could I just create one? does something have to reference it, does something already reference it?)


Thanks in advance.

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