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Project Development for New Main Nightingale/Thieves Guild Quest


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Project Development for New Main Nightingale/Thieves Guild Quest



The Daedric Princes, worshipped across Tamriel, are not known to start wars with one another, and decide to keep out of each other's business-even if it's trying to take over Tamriel by opening Oblivion doors-but that peace may be over.

The restored Tribunal, consisting of Azura, Boethiah and Mephala, the three Daedric sisters have discarded Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of Luck and Shadows.

And she wants her revenge...


Rising Chaos - Investigate Whitefall Cavern to explain the weird screams and lights coming from deep within.

The Discarded One - Kill all of the skeevers until you find the book 'The Discarded One', and learn more about the four sisters: Azura, Boethiah, Mephala and Nocturnal.

Color of Red - Defend the Thieves Guild from the mysterious and now red Wispmothers then speak to Kitra.

Dead - Talk to Karliah about the disappearance of Nocturnal and the now alive past Nightingales.

The Tribunal Three - Using leads from events happening in Skyrim, find Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala's vessels before they can start any more wars in cities and towns.

Power of Nocturnal - Put together the real story of the four Daedric Princes from the actual events according to Kitra, Azura, Boethiah and Mephala's vessels.

In the Mind of Azura - Discover Azura's side of the story by entering the mind of the Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn herself.

In the Mind of Boethiah - Discover Boethiah's side of the story by entering the mind of the Daedric Prince of Deceit and Conspiracy herself.

In the Mind of Mephala - Discover Mephala's side of the story by entering the mind of the Daedric Prince of Obfuscation and Secrecy herself.

In the Mind of Nocturnal - Discover Nocturnal's side of the story by entering the mind of the Daedric Prince of Luck and Shadows herself.

Influence of the Daedra - Help the vessels and Kitra get out of the Daedric Princes influences while tracking where they are now.

The Daedric War - Gather an army, participate and win the war between the Tribunal and Nocturnal.

The New Tribunal - Tell the real story of 'The Discarded One' and reunite the Tribunal and the four sisters.

Voice Actors:

Kitra/Nocturnal's Vessel -

Nocturnal (Herself) -

Karliah -

Brynjolf -

Azura (Herself) -

Boethiah (Herself) -

Mephala (Herself) -

Azura's Vessel -

Boethiah's Vessel -

Mephala's Vessel -

Dralsi -

Gallus -

Vex -

Delvin -

Tonilia -

Sapphire -

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