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Weapon skills affect weapon's durability loss, not damage


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Greetings. Quite a few years ago I played Fallout 3 with a mod that changed weapon skills to affect durability loss speed instead of damage and enjoyed it very much (and a separate mod that made VATS function sort of as it is now in NV on top of it). Unfortunately it was 2 PCs and 5+ years ago and now I can't find that mod at all anymore to use it as an example to make needed alterations to NV myself.


Basic search shows stuff brakes af 0.2 HP per shot in NV and there is a companion perk that slows item degradation by 50 or 75 percent via 'Modify Item Damage' effect.


The point is to make weapons lose durability up to 50% faster, linearly depending on PC's corresponding weapon skill. If player's skill is lower than weapon's skill requirement, there is an additional 0.5*(REQskill-PCskill) percent durability loss.


Can this be done via skill effects or it needs scripting to pull off?


I'd really appretiate an .esp if it's easily done or a pointer or two where to go from here if it's not.



Edited by KatArus
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I'm not sure you can change the weapon damage formula directly, although you can change individual components (through the game settings, for example making some 0) of the formula. SkillBonus = fDamageSkillBase + fDamageSkillMult * ActorSkillValue / 100. Both fDamageSkillBase & fDamageSkillMult could be set to 0, and I would think that would remove any skill based damage increase.


For the weapons condition there isn't much you can tap into in game settings, so your probably better off just using the entry point for item damage and hiding the perk(s). You could have several tiers of the perk depending on teh players weapon skill.


A possible complication is that you probably want a weapon skill to affect the degradation of the corresponding type of weapon. In other words for guns a high guns skill alters how fast they degrade, but for a lower energy weapon skill it affects those type of weapons differently. I think you could make some formlists (or maybe use exisitng lists) and add a condition in the perk for getEquipped. It will result in several different perks to make (but at least they won't show since they are hidden).


Anyway that might be one way to go about it.

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a while ago I found this mod and I looked into how it works:

it uses a script to slow down or speed up the item degeneration process. I've used it as a basis for one of my personal mods that I have never released. I think it may help you in this endeavor. Open up the script, tweak the values, replace 'repair' with 'guns', and you're all set to go

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Thank you for the tip, I'll look into that.

If you'd like I can put it together for you


it uses a script to slow down or speed up the item degeneration process. I've used it as a basis for one of my personal mods that I have never released. I think it may help you in this endeavor. Open up the script, tweak the values, replace 'repair' with 'guns', and you're all set to go

No, the script just adds a perk, to alter the weapon degradation......as I suggested in my previous post.

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Okay, so I've managed to get all damage multipliers to zero so overall damage calculation is now good.


It appears that the only way to do the rest is indeed adding an invisible perk per weapon class via GetWeaponAnimType for melee and lists by ammo type used for guns and setting negative item health multiplier via 50 'if skill <=10 then x Raul's skill effect' lines per 2 skill point increments. Kinda... blunt, but it'll do I suppose.

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