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charectre building tips


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i'm having a lot of toruble andvancing myc harectre. I put most of my SPECIAL in to Intelle and Perception and took most ofit out of Endurance and Charisma any suggestyions on how tobuild a better charectre? i'm sick of being the wimp of the Mojave.
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You should think about how do you want your character. With intelligence and perception you have higher ratings in energy weapons, explosives, lockpick, medicine, repair and science. Because you can't push all of them at once with a level up you should take one by one. For example, for better handling energy weapons put all points into it until you are at 60, after that take lockpick and so on. Otherwise you have an character who can do a lot but nothing good ;)


Have a look here for a description of the perks:




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Don't worry too much about how special stats affect skills, because low skills early on can be fixed by investing skill points.


Rather think about how your Stats affect derived stats like action points, carry weight, HP, as well as eligibility for certain perks.


Think about what you want your character to be like, stealthy? A tank? Cunning? VATS heavy? and choose perks accordingly. That will at least determine some minimum stats immediately. Also certain weapons need a certain skill level and ST to use optimally. Think about what weapons you'd like to use.


I hear you saying you don't want to be a wimp. Higher EN will mean that you won't have to sneak everywhere, you'll be more rad and poison resistant, and will have stronger limbs.

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here are a few tips i used:


1. what are you looking at?


you REALLY must know what you are going to plan to be.. such as


good or bad

what are you doing for money?

what guns will you be using?

will you be doing a lot of quests?

are you about the money or killing



you have to set yourself up right!










then what about the perks.. you have about 10 perks + the achiement earned ones..

you have to pick what you are really trying to be such as damage increasing perks..

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Hate planning? Try this:


S >= 5

P = 4 (if you don't want better criticals) else 5

E >=6

C = 1

I = 9

A >= 5

L >= 5

Get comprehension perk and intelligence implant ASAP


With this setup you will have a good chance of destroying almost any level appropriate mob attacking head on on very hard difficulty (except deathclaws and cazadores, and at really low levels)


Good for overall advancing and general killage

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but for the path I want to take combat skills don't mean s***. I don't want to go through mobs I want to pass all the diologue checks and hack all the terminals and build and repair everythign and such the combat skills don't mean anything to me its the passive and active skills
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That's ok. That build still gives you 4 or 5 points to play with. You could pop them into CH.


If combat is not your thing, you can drop your LK. I think there is only one dialog check that needs LK 7, otherwise all it is good for really is criticals and casinos.


In the end IN is the most important for your build, but you can't heavily take away too heavily from combat related stats, else you will be reloading often.


Try S5 P5 E5 C5 I9 A5 L1, and distribute the remaining 5 points however you like.


And remember a 1 point increase in a SPECIAL stat only increases the associated skill kibase by 2 points. Also, you will never actually need to invest skill points to get lockpick, science, speech, or barter to 100. Not with skill mags and comprehension (I think the highest barter check is only 65).


If it's any help, I built an unarmed/melee monster starting with ST 8 and CH 1. Passed almost every speech check, most skill checks, and pick/hack anything using skill mags.


You shouldn't have any problems

Edited by Park77
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That's ok. You'll come across way more lockpick and science mags then there are very hard terminals/locks, and even then, most of those can be unlocked with keys and passwords. Besides you only need the mag to last long enough for a successful attempt.


I've got more mags than I can possibly use now.


The other mags are for the rare occasion that you just fall short of a check. And trust me, if you were building a lockpick, speech, science, repair heavy person that will be a very rare occurence.


Give it whirl. I'm sure you'll be more than ok

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