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Ultimate HGEC clothes mod


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Hey everyone.


Just would like to ask a few things related to the modding of oblivion and getting it to work for others.


First off to get up to speed, I've been busy for the last few weeks with a huge mod that replaces all the vanilla clothes with custom ones. At the moment all aimed at HGEC's body replacer. Now the mod is "replacing if you will" all of the vanilla clothes with HGEC versions.


However this is a mod, in other words means that the mod will not overwrite original content. Works with a .esp instead of actually replacing of original content from the game. Anyhow, the mod is coming along and a few things came to mind for the mod to work.


I would just like to know from you guys, if and how it is possible to get the mod to not be path specific, in other words to get the mod to work on someone else's computer if they installed Oblivion to a different path than what I've installed mine to.


And lastly, how should I go about to ask for permission from the modders who made the original clothes mods, as my mod takes loads of HGEC clothes mods and places them in oblivion to replace the old vanilla clothes. NPC's will be wearing the new clothes.


Thank you in advance.

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the path itself doesn't matter

it's not about where the files are on your computer

it's all about the structure inside the data folder

so all you need to do, is release it in the proper folders, and that should prevent path issues


as for asking permissions, you should first of all make sure that you are allowed to use the items from the mods

if you are allowed, than it depends on what you need to do

if the modder just wants to be in the credit section for you to use his\her mod, then this is all you need to do

if you need the modders permission, just PM that modder, and ask for permission

and if you can't use the modders' mod, DON'T DO IT!!! it will get you banned really fast


of course, you should be aware that this mod might not work with overhauls and such, so the result may not be too impressive, in terms of who has been changed

also, are you making any new resources, or are you just using existing work??

because if you aren't making anything new, than this mod feels pretty useless, isn't it?? i mean, if you can just have the original mods, and all this does is packs them together, that is quite a shame........

at least that's my opinion on the matter

but don't let it bring you down :biggrin:

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