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Yes, I'm New, and Yes, I want to know more about modding (Elder Scrolls games)!


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Quick disclaimer though, I personally would label myself as a person who learns simply - I learn better with the simple things, simple descriptions before moving on up.


So I'd most like to know a couple things (for current and former modders):


1. Where do you think a new modder with simple understanding of file directories begin? Tools you think I should absolutely have and tools you think would be a great benefit? [even if it takes a little while to learn] What skills would you think I would need to develop or would help and what not?

Would you say new item mods are easiest [aside from texturing, I have no idea how that works] orrr animation replacing? [not making a new animation, but having an already established animation replace another] Which are harder and or which are more time consuming? =]


2. Where did you start with modding? and where did it start getting more difficult [if it has]


Thank in advance!! I currently have 120+ mods installed and loving it xP


Quick Edit:
I draw a LOT. Mostly digital paintings and pencil sketching, so you may see my avatar change quite a bit. Also I proposed a mod in the requests forums titled Gifts for the Dead and I'm thinking what I described in it only really requires a good amount of scripting (as well as new animations) - which I've read other modders have difficulty with that, i think... But I'll find out soon enough, yeah? =]

Edited by lirics
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I'm starting out too. Modding is difficult. I do a LOT of research. That I think is probably the easiest place to start. Research "how to" tutorials on texturing, skinning, scripting and just about anything you can think of to do with modding. Search for the things you most want to see in your mods. Research them really well.


There are a lot of free programs you can use to help you create stuff. If you can't afford photoshop then gimp is an excellent free equivalent. I have a blog here called " I want to become a modder, how about you? It has links you may find interesting/useful.


If you need any help with researching specific things - feel free to PM me and I'll help if I can.


BTW - Welcome! :laugh:

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Thank you very kindly, Jackette! I'll hunt down that blog sometime and have a gander at it - I'm sure it'll help me quite a bit. I'll be sure to research specifics before I PM you, but thank you very much for offering to help =]

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