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Having an issue fixing a follower in my FNV mod. She appears in-game, will talk to you, will let you hire her :smile: but as soon as you do she runs back to the place she starts in game. The next time you enter a building/sleep/wait, she reappears just to run off again back to her original starting point..

I'm not sure if this is the issue or not >>> but I know there is a missing condition in the default ai follow package : the getscript variable/npc/ etc. but GECK will not let me create the condition no matter what I do. And I have no option to drag open the "field" headers. No matter how many times I restart or regardless of what I do - i can't see any conditions in any ai packages.

So, two questions : 1. what could be causing the npc behavior and how do I fix it? And 2. What's up with the Conditions tab? How do you fix that. Many thanks.

I just updated the esp for my mod/link in my signature (so you wouldn't have to download the rather large main files) so if anyone has time to check it out, that would help. The character is: BlackbriarDollyMadison

That would a long way to helping me work on my brahmin follower,etc. MANY THANKS>

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1 - The team flag is setted to 1 but as you have seen she still has the old package, sandbox or travel or guard. You should make her evaluate the new follow package, to do that it's essential that you manage #2 work correctly.

2 - Could it be the same problem with Windows 8 that hides the columns?


If you open a vanilla package which should have a condition and you don't see it, it's probably hidden.

Just to double check, take a look at FollowersBooneL38Package, it should have 3 conditions.


EDIT: just saw your message in that other thread. Well if you want to definetely solve that, you could take a look at that update of windows, or I guess you'll have to re-size the columns every time.

Edited by Fallout2AM
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THANK YOU for the reply. Sorry about the "double post". I started one post and my WIFI had a brain freeze and it looked like I lost the post so.... that's why there's two. :/

Fixed the windows problem..sort of. I'll def. follow that link because having to resize every time sucks. Big time.

As for the character, I replied in the other post. I just updated my esp. so if anyone could take a look at it and tell me what I've missed, I'd reallly appreciate. The link is in my signature and the character is BlackbriarDollyMadison

I've literally tried everything. :/

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