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I could not agree more with you all! TES is a completely different game than FO3 or NV. The only thing I see possible like TheCalliton said is different options for the mastery levels. If bows or ranged weapons are utilized again like in MW, I could see a vats system but at a very high level.


I started playing Oblivion again, after a long break, when I heard of Skyrim. Up till now I've played FO3 and NV several times. I will admit I thought that vats and level perks would be nice, but that is the FO talking not TES.


bben46 is right also! The game is probably in the testing and debugging phase right now. Not to much is going to be added or changed I'm afraid. :unsure: :sad:

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While I do agree with all this, there is one thing that is not going to happen - the developers won't just cater to a few hundred or thousand TES enthusiasts who want things all the same as before.


If they can garner a whole stack of new players because of other games out there, the advancements in tech that have been placed in those games, they're not going to just ignore the potential money they could earn just to satisfy the die-hards. Theirs is a business. They are out to make money - as much as they can get their hands on. They are not here to be liked!


Saying that, I do doubt that they'll start introducing many of the things that have been suggested, and will keep Skyrim essentially different - or it's no different to many other games that will, and have already, come out. Thus, I doubt VATS will raise it's head in Skyrim, though perks will be adjusted.

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Ok, ive seen people posting stuff like


"add vats to skyrim"

"add perks!"

"use the kinect!"


the elder scrolls series is not Fallout 3

it is not wii sports (dont know any kinect game titles)

it is NOT another series, it is in the TES series, so why ask for all these things? I admit, perks are a good idea, but the way they were implemented in FO3 is not good for TES

TES has a set style, and they wont stray from it guys, so why do you ask for these things? i mean seriously? They can sound like good ideas, but picture oblivion with vats... it would suck! imagine oblivion with the kinect! it isnt possible! im sorry if i seem like a total horse's rear end, but this is just unrealistic! I myself would love a motion senser TES game, it sounds epic! but it wouldnt be TES, it would be something different!


sorry for my rant, but please, think things through







People are always going to ask for what they want , and if they don't get it , they will mod for it. You cant necessarily be angry for someone wanting something outside of the lore.I know your talking about the actual game , but take a look at the Nexus. A good 50 percent of the mods do not fit into lore , yet peope download and love them.Its every individualus personal wants and if they cant get it through the game , they will certailny get it through mods.



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Yeah i too agree...I will admit seeing an arrow pierce a guys skull in slowmo would be cool...and a hardcore mode like in vegas could be cool as well...

but a fallout copy?...I dont think so...

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Ok, ive seen people posting stuff like


"add vats to skyrim"

"add perks!"

"use the kinect!"


the elder scrolls series is not Fallout 3

it is not wii sports (dont know any kinect game titles)

it is NOT another series, it is in the TES series, so why ask for all these things? I admit, perks are a good idea, but the way they were implemented in FO3 is not good for TES

TES has a set style, and they wont stray from it guys, so why do you ask for these things? i mean seriously? They can sound like good ideas, but picture oblivion with vats... it would suck! imagine oblivion with the kinect! it isnt possible! im sorry if i seem like a total horse's rear end, but this is just unrealistic! I myself would love a motion senser TES game, it sounds epic! but it wouldnt be TES, it would be something different!


sorry for my rant, but please, think things through





You seem a little overwhelmed by these new ideas, one of which I started in a thread 'round these here parts. That being the possibility that VATS could be effectively used in melee. Take a deep breath and relax, man. :biggrin: It's all in fun, this playing-with-possibilities. It is how you create.


Your tones are a little off, though. What's coming across to my mind, in this thread and in the one I started, is a pretty obvious disdain you have for people that like to talk about new ideas, as if we are being childish and don't understand a series that we are playing just like you (and in my case, playing since its inception). "Think things through?" Really... :no:


Ranting is all good and fine, but pretending to be superior is a crock.


Did you understand the point of why I introduced VATS and Bullet Time discussions into the fray? I've only seen a lot of knee-jerk reactions and explanations that aren't very well thought out/developed, such as *paraphrasing here from another thread/post* "slow mo is only a modern thing and is never done in medieval games/films". The logic being that since it's never been done, it can't be done.


If you would have thought about it more, you might have realized that it has been done before. Playing with visual/perceived speed is a cinematographic technique called ramping. I guess you have never watched 300 or Troy... :turned:


My take on the whole VATS and/or Bullet Time thing comes down to locational damage selection (my personal least favorite) and/or aspects of slow motion combat (more fav), respectively. I don't know how you play the Fallout games, but mine are very hard, based around FWE and Arwen's Realism Tweaks, and combat is not an ongoing affair. It's much deadlier and to the point, like in reality. Bullet Time reflects heightened senses in reality very well. Time does slow down perceptually in real-life combat situations, and the same is true for hand to hand/melee fighting. I play with player damage in VATS, and usually don't ever use VATS as it gets me killed. I prefer Bullet Time.


I would like to see melee more dangerous, like in reality. Bullet Time would fit in very well with a combat system that was, at least, a bit more complicated (Deadly Reflex-like) than the vanilla Oblivion system. To say that such an addition wouldn't be TES or wouldn't fit into the series makes me wonder just how someone views the differences that were introduced in TES IV after TES III, because character development was radically changed (whole weapon and armor categories were destroyed, the whole guild advancement system was dumbed-down...in fact, the whole experience was dumbed-down), horses were introduced, levitation was taken out, etc. Many could argue that TES IV was not in line with TES. This whole discussion could have happened six years ago...and it would have been wrong then, we can see that now, because the changes that were brought into TES IV obviously were/are part of TES, by definition.


And one last note: remember, I'm talking about the Principles behind these mods/game aspects, not the things themselves. Obviously, in a fantasy world, we're not going to have a wrist-born supercomputational adrenalin-controlling fight advisor...such parallels are not necessary at all, and obscure the point of increasing the TES V combat experience.

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im not pretending to be superior, im just trying to point out how dumb the idea of VATS in oblivion would be

hardcore mode is likely to exist is skyrim, but too many people want something that doesnt work into TES



Who are you to say what fits into Oblivion or not http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif I mean , we have our own take on the game and our own preferences , you say you dont want VATS in the game because it doesnt fit in , but thats just your preference.

Edited by alonsomartinez
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Everybody is welcome to express their opinion. Especially in their own thread. And that opinion is being expressed within the rules, without attacking the site or staff, or another member. Without being vulgar or offensive.

Just because you disagree with their opinion doesnt mean that you need to go reporting it.


Thank you.

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Things are already set like bben said. The fact that people like to pre-talk a game is fine, but that won't change anything. I feel sorry for those that start to have all sorts of expectations. I also think that releasing the game on Steam kinda sucks, but if that's how it will be, it's fine by me, I'm still buying this game, it's a TES for god's sake!!


On a side note I understand how TheCalliton feels, becouse I also think that it should keep it's traditions, but improvements are always welcomed, as long as they don't dumb down the game, it's an RPG after all, it's supposed to have a decent level of dificulty.






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