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Another NPC Question


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Im setting up an ambush but Im having trouble figuring out how to set it up


What I want to happen is when you first arrive at the rendezvous point we just see the informant but after speaking with him the other guys appear and start fighting you. I want them to be invisible at first


The only way I can think of doing this is after the quest stage before this I have the characters Cast an invisiblity spell on themselves and travel to the location then after speaking to the informant I use the disableallspells to disable the invisibility and set the agression to the player to 100.


I've tried looking for a quest that does an ambush like this but there are so many lol. This is the only way I can think to do this but there has got to be other ways, possibly easier/better. Thanks for the help again!

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It would probably work better to have them placed in some dummy room (somewhere nobody will ever go. When the player reaches the location, use actor.movetomarker with each of them pointing to markers around the ambush. This causes them to be immediately close by. When the player starts talking with the NPC, have it trigger an ambush package (with a marker near the NPC with the location, and the player as the target. (using the quest stage as the conditions)). Just make sure that their faction is set to hate the player (and the NPC if you want him included) or else they'll just walk there and nothing will happen.
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Can't you set it up such that their aggression is 1 by default (don't attack, unless attacked), and have the result script (in the dialogue window) something like:

Assassin1.setav aggression 80

Assassin1.ModDisposition player -100

Assassin2.setav aggression 80

Assassin2.ModDisposition player -100



If you don't want them to attack the informant, include:

Assassin1.ModDisposition Informant 100


If you want them to be invisible before they attack, give them an Invisibility ability, and include:

Assassin1.RemoveSpell MyInvisoAbility


You may need to either have the assassins all in the same faction, or all with disposition 100 towards each other, in order to prevent them from attacking each other.


There's also an Ambush AI package, but I'm not sure how one would set that up.


The advantage of using the method I've outlined is that it allows an observant player to anticipate the ambush.

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  Abramul said:
Can't you set it up such that their aggression is 1 by default (don't attack, unless attacked), and have the result script (in the dialogue window) something like:

Assassin1.setav aggression 80

Assassin1.ModDisposition player -100

Assassin2.setav aggression 80

Assassin2.ModDisposition player -100



If you don't want them to attack the informant, include:

Assassin1.ModDisposition Informant 100


If you want them to be invisible before they attack, give them an Invisibility ability, and include:

Assassin1.RemoveSpell MyInvisoAbility


You may need to either have the assassins all in the same faction, or all with disposition 100 towards each other, in order to prevent them from attacking each other.


There's also an Ambush AI package, but I'm not sure how one would set that up.


The advantage of using the method I've outlined is that it allows an observant player to anticipate the ambush.


Yeah...that is what I was planning on doing!! Thanks for the help/conformation...I also agree that an observant player being able to anticipate the ambush is an advantage...just makes it better.


Thanks to you too Vagrant! Thats what I wanted to try to do, hve them in a dummy cell and then after a certain point go to the place but I just didnt know the move script

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  Septim741 said:
You could also try looking at the scripts for the Mythic dawn agents in the tutorial of the main quest. You know how they appear and attack you out of nowhere.


yes...thanks to everyone's help and a lot of guessing and checking...I believe I got it to work... Now just gotta do a little more and then get some testers in a week or two and then I will know for sure...


But since Im here and I am really tired right now...How do you advance a stage with a characters death. I know Ive seen it before but just to tired to focus right now lol.

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Use the OnDeath block, or alternately, use GetDeadCount.


If you want to have the update occur immediately, use OnDeath, if you want the PC to, say, tell My_NPC_KingBubba that My_NPC_NoLongerCorporeal is dead, you'll want to use GetDeadCount. Not sure if you can use a dialogue result script to do a quest update, but that should be easy to check.

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Put a script containing something like this on the actor


begin onDeath

setstage MyCoolQuest 20



OR, well, use any function you'd like :)

NOTE: The OnDeath block runs ONE time about ONE SECOND after the death of the NPC.

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  GBHis said:
Put a script containing something like this on the actor


begin onDeath

setstage MyCoolQuest 20



OR, well, use any function you'd like :)

NOTE: The OnDeath block runs ONE time about ONE SECOND after the death of the NPC.


Oh yeah!!! duh!!! lol. thanks.

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