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A home "made" at male taste


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First. I would like apologize by my bad spelling, I'm not english spoker but spanish.

The general idea is to make a manor as in Morrowind, with a contract for the lands, contracting a master constructor, and workers and expand many (very, very many) money. The work will be made by three workers in one month, or six in two weeks... but that will be more expansibe. Once a "phase" of the manor is done it will posible to contract a "interiorist designer" who will orient us to "purchase" objets and contract people for our new departments. at the same time we will be able to begin the construction of the second "phase".

Every employers will be female, My idea is to use the HGEC mod, so nudity will be essential. As I said, it's a mod for male taste.


Detailed Idea:

We receibe a message about a "magic green arrow" shown at our map pointing at a dessert plane on the praires at south of Cheydinhall. that is the begging of the "Quest". Once at that point we discover ruins of a manor and a ghost (friendly) that say us that he is the spirit of a richman who tried to make a very big house there, but a rage of vampires (or trolls, or ogres, but i prefer vampires) raged the camp of the workers and killed everybody and the owner of the manor. He were that owner, only a bit of the basement were made and his corpse is still there. He will offer you the papers with the property of the land if you promise to make a funeral for him. You say yes, he give you a key and a doortrap in the floor to the basement apperas below the ghost. You enter down the basement, kill the vampires (or trolls, or whatever you want) and when reach the body of the constructor a message asking you if want do what you promised pops up. You say yes, and the papers saying "Who have this paper is the owner of the land. I, the king" will be our now. We are happy that we don't need to travel to the cave where from vampires came the firts time.

A new window will say us that that part of the quest is done, and a new one will say that if we want to take atventage of that news land we would go to Cheydinhall or may be Imperial city and look for a constructor. We find one that will make our new home, but for a price and more important, he needs plans, so we need to travel a cavern near our new land where the vampires who killed everybody must have still the papers with the instruction for make the Manor. So go to the cave, kill the vampires (or trolls, or...) recover the instructions that say "To make a big manor, put four walls and on there put a ceiling"., ok, go to the constructor and he say that with his three workers and for a payment "lets say 200,000 - I want say two hundred thousand, i think the value of the dot is not the same in spanish and english-" will begin the work, but if we are able to contract more workers it will be faster, he speak us about trhee bricklayers in three cities which may be looking for work, so we travel looking for them (its is easy, they are walking at street) and they will work for 100 or so money, so we go to see to the constructor again and he say that there are a group or carpenters, miners, and other workers that were working on the other side of the outer border and disapered. So we travel to the frontier and discover a cave of trolls where the workers are prisioners to feet the monster. So kill the bad trolls (or ogres or...) and free the people who says us that in thankfull for free them from the death they will work im our new house for a simbolic payment of 10,000 -(again) ten thousand- each. We say yes in the house is done very fast or say not and the house is done but more slowly. An any way when the time is over a window will say our house is done, the constructor will say that it is posible make a second phase (and afetr taht a 3º and finally a 4º phase) but that if we want construct more need the master of the planners of the manors. who by a casuality is being kidnaped by a band of bad boys, For the 3º ampliation the kidnaped will be his daughter, and for the 4º his daughter's dog.

From this point, we can contract a designer for interiorism, to which we can purchase the section of our new house, or she will say where we can obtain those furniture. And the same with the people who will work al those departments.

I shall explain it. Lets say that she say: Ok, you can have a gardner where to plant and grown ingredients for alchemic, payme xxx money for the furniture and tools, but you need to travel to IC market and purchase a "colection of complet seeds" (or go to the cave xxx and find the seeds of the mage eaterseeds) or look for the master of the gardener and buy him or.... and contract a gardener that keep your plants growing. you may find one in xxx place.

The sections in the house in this mod MUST be useful, i want say if we put a bed and the character has no need of sleep, What use has the bed?

Ok, those are my ideas about which department MUST have these new manor:


A place to store:

Ok, this is a MUST in all the mods i've seen, boxes with no respawn. But, what about if we (the players) can (can we?) put a name to that chest "long blades" "shields"...

Better still, in the expansion of Tribunal, in Morrowind, there was a museum where all rare items have it's place,

What about a thropy room in wich there is a place to put "Goldbrand", o Merunes razor or... and what about put a lot of manequins where to put armors like the one in which you put the crusader armor in the expansion of the nine?

With a beauty female keeper.


An Alchemic laboratory:

I like the closet only for alchemy that the autor of the sexy maid of Skingrad put in the bedroom. may be asking his permision to include it. A table in which there are the four apparatus more an alchemical fire that increase the power of the potions.

This must be important, that table, that must be or very expansive or obtained in a very hard quest only can be used in that place. I want say, you cant take the apparatus, you can use them with its improves skills but can take over.

of course a beauty female alchemy keeper.


A garden.

in which we can harvest all the ingredients for alchemic, with a beauty female gardener who will care the plants.


A dining room and a kitchen:

Both with beautys servant and cooker, Ok, we have two specialites (two special plates) one hot, to take in the the dining room, And i want say sit down at the table, and another one which is a carry out. When we are sit at table, the servant will put the plate in front of us, if we "take it" it will not be added to inventory, but eaten. at this point we'll be under a spell of greater fortifique aleatory parameter, which will be a long effect (It will be a interesing thing to come home to eat), the carry out that the cooker will give us (no more than one per day) will be a usefull restore heal, magica and fatigue, that may a sandwich, or so.


A bedromm.

In which we have a "magic bed", which will cast over our character a spell that improve also aleatoriment some parameters for a max duration of 8 hours, it's said if your character sleep 2 hours, he or she may be under a spell that improve his/her streng and luck (for example) by 10 points for 2 hours. The maximun must be 8 hours, and the parameters aleatories.

I am not sure if a maid is necesary, may be to clean.


A throne room.

In which your character will sit and a group of danzers will dance for him/her


A practic room:

In which a (or may be two) trainer with the essential actors activate fight with you using the same weapon you are using.


Rooms for our friend:

Rooms for the people who work in the house, for the guards and for our friends, (if you are using CM, you will like have space for them). with beauty female maid who clean all.

For the guards, i specially like the draconic armor, with BBB that plays very well with the simple sexy walk, that I think come with the shivering isles expansion.

Oh, I forgot, a murall, a High Wall will be necesary to put the enemys out.


In the rooms of the guards (beauty female, Have i said?) We can put weapons for them, and dresses they can use when not at duty.

And in the rooms of all trhe other servers, we can put dresses for work, walk, dance, swim...


The last ampliation of the manor will be for:

The gallery of art:

You contract a beauty painter who will pain all the girls in the manor if you are able to convince them. At this point, I had thougt to make the girls of the service seems alike models in the real life. As i said I'm spanish, so i had the idea to make a girl seems Adriana Vega (A very beauty brunete spanish actriss from the time of the nudies movies) to put the name "Adriana" and the picture in the galery a pic of the real Adriana Vega. or a "Monica" npc that seem alike Monica Belucci (I hope you know about who am talking about)

Using the same tecnic that colourwheels uses por his mods to put real pics as painting in the game.

Some girls will pose at first time you sak and others will not, may be a quest, if you give me... you know, a ring in the bedroom of the countess, a ear ring made with the teeth of the lord of the trolls... only if Elvira do it first...


The swiming pool:

The last ampliation. A swiming poll where the girls and our character will go to have a bath.


And finishing. When you think all is made... when all girls have their nude painting in the gallerie (and only then) a guard will say you about a starnge noise from the basement where all begins. Remember?

Well, i do not want to expand more time, because this is only a good idea in my head, but resuming, under the basement is there a Seven level dungeon. with a boss guarding the door to the next. And at he end a Huge treausury.


If someone think its a good idea for a mod, and is interesating in make it, I will be more explicit.



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