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Tag map markers


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There's an awesome mod for Oblivion called Map Markers Overhaul.



The thing I like the most about it lies in it's description:

"Have you ever visited a ruin and been stopped by a locked door or a too powerful enemy, forcing you to turn with a firm intention of going back later - but then completely forgot which ruin it was?
Have you ever wondered if a cave on your map is one you have already visited and fully explored, or one you just peeked inside?
Have you ever wished you could add new map markers, or notes to the existing map markers to remember such things?
Have you ever wished the Oblivion map did not function as a modern GPS, but rather as an immersive map where you could actually get lost if you misread the map?"


So basically when you CTRL+click on a map marker, a menu appears where you can add a tag to a marker, such as [done] or [closed door] etc. After that a place will be renamed. So for instance instead of "Ruin" it would show "Ruin [done]".


I'd like to request to either port this mod to Fallout 3 or make a similar mod, which would work along with More Map Markers


Thank you :)

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