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Is there a 60 fps cap in Skyrim?


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Hi guys


I just installed Skyrim again but my fps never gets above 60. If Im not wrong last time I used a fps capper at 90 fps to avoid strange physics problem and Im pretty sure my fps was above 80 often, but now I cant make it go above 60.


I have set iPresentInterval=0 to disable vsync.


Please help me guys to remove this fps cap if there is any and make it possible to run higher fps than 60. I have no interest in discussing if it is smart or not to go above 60 fps.


Thanks for any help



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I have done some research and I wonder if this has anything to do with that my monitor is 60hz. In other games when I turn of vsync I can get up to 250 fps but in Skyrim it stops as 60 fps.


I have a good computer with 2xGTX 980 in sli, 4790k @ 4,8Ghz and 16G ram @ 2933mhz..


I want to run some benchmarks with different mods so this is freaking annoying. Do I need a 120/144hz monitor to get Skyrim to show more than 60 fps?

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If you're running an ENB then your enblocal.ini file might cap at 60.


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