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what troubles have you had with new vegas?


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yes this isnt a fast action fps game with lots of guns and ammo, no gatlin guns with unlimited ammo everywhere, but its a strategy and interaction game not a run-n-gun fps so i think you are looking at it from the wrong perspective to start with.


as someone already said "maybe the game just isnt for your liking", not every game suits everyone but you have to judge a game by what it is intended to be and not what you wanted or expected it to be.


this game has great modding potential and yes, right out of the box it has serious issues but patch v1.7 has fixed a lot and there may be more to come so we'll see.



i think overall, as most games go, i give it a 7.5 out of 10 (based on being patched to v1.7) and i believe in about a years time, when all the half working or buggy copycat mods have been phased out of the mods section, the mods for this game will make this game a 9 out of 10 or even a 10


so many games out there have many more issues then this game does and as far as storyline they can be played to the ending in just hours or a day or two then its pure instant replay from then on so the random newness of this gameworld keeps you involved without knowing "do x get y move to spot z and win"



somehow i missed playing oblivian, fallout 1, 2, or 3 so maybe that has given me a false perception of this game but i see great things in the future of this game thru mods

Edited by webster63
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There are maybe 5 legion quests when there are around a billion NCR quests. Seriously, why does this game have such a massive hard-on for the NCR.


Oh and good karma is way way way to easy to keep and maintain. 100 good karma for killing a fiend regardless of what karma I am.


Then there are the invisible walls, the walls that have no place in a sandbox game. I had to go around tiny rocks because I couldn't just jump on it. I'm very very glade someone produced a mod for it because those invisible walls are the most annoying thing in the game.

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i think overall, as most games go, i give it a 7.5 out of 10 (based on being patched to v1.7) and i believe in about a years time, when all the half working or buggy copycat mods have been phased out of the mods section, the mods for this game will make this game a 9 out of 10 or even a 10


.... snip ....


somehow i missed playing oblivian, fallout 1, 2, or 3 so maybe that has given me a false perception of this game but i see great things in the future of this game thru mods

I came on-board with Fallout 3 so I'm a noob as far as the purists are concerned. But I've put this game on hold until the modding is as mature for this as it is for Fallout 3. I'm back to Fallout 3 with a new character for now.


One of my issues with this game is probably partly due to my not having played Fallout and Fallout 2 and partly personal. This game just doesn't feel post-apocalyptic to me. There's too much civilization. The personal part is that I'm very familiar with the American desert southwest and the blue skies, blue, drinkable water and even beat up little towns like Novac seem pretty mundane to me. I'm very familiar with with Washington DC too but not in the state that it's in in Fallout 3.


The other issue is motivation. In Fallout 3 you have a clear reason to do the main quest. In fact, I had to push the role playing envelope to make up reasons to do the side quests and delay looking for Dad. When I started FONV I thought, "Shot in the head, okay I'll assume amnesia." That didn't work very well; I'll need to devise at least some backstory for my next character. Once I got revenge on Benny I've found no reason to do any of the quests for any of the factions since they've all done something to offend me.

Edited by CarlCorey
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Op, 90% of what you don't like is what makes the game fun for most of us. I get that you have your own perspective but you talk about those things like they are problems with the game when the problem is really in what you are looking for in a game. Obviously this isn't your style of game play since Bethesda's games are all pretty much played the same exact way. The only real problems I had with this game were a good many crashes for no reason and some quest breaking bugs that I was able to correct using the console. I also agree that Vegas itself should have been better but that's also personal preference because I've read where some people are totally satisfied with it the way it is. But things like the game being slow at the start, no weapons, not knowing what to do, that's how an open world role playing game typically starts out. If you want someone holding your hand the whole way you need to stick with the more traditional linear shooters.
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